On this Day


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On this day, 15 Nov 1965, The fastest man on wheels, Craig Breedlove, set a world speed record at the Bonneville
Salt Flats in Utah with a speed of 600.601 mph.


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On this day, 16 Nov 1958, Six inches of snow fell on Tucson, Arizona, catching autumn golfers by
surprise, to be sure...


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On this day, 17 Nov 1981, Luke Spencer married Laura Baldwin in what was called “the wedding of the year” on
the TV serial General Hospital.

An audience of 14 million viewers watched as vows were exchanged on the ABC program.



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On this day, 18 Nov 1978, The worst case of murder-suicide in history took place in Jonestown, Guyana.
Religious-cult leader Jim Jones (Peoples Temple) directed the ingestion of Kool-Aid (laced with cyanide)
by at least 900 of his followers. He and his mistress then followed suit.
Earlier in the day, Jones had directed the murder of California Congressman Leo J. Ryan, three newspeople
and several ‘defectors’. Ryan, on a fact-finding tour of Jonestown, was boarding a privated airplan with the small
group when they were shot down.


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On this day, 19 Nov 1863, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address on this day in 1863.

The speech was considered so insignificant at the time that coverage was limited to the inside pages of
the newspapers (page one coverage went to a speech by Edward Everett).

In July of 1863, the fields outside Gettysburg, Pennsylvania erupted into one of the bloodiest battles in
the Civil War between the states.

The Union forces held their positions against Confederate advances. The Confederates, under
Robert E. Lee, retreated to Virginia, ending their attempt to invade the North.

The battle was the turning point of the war; the Confederates were never again able to mount a
campaign into the North and were on the run.

President Lincoln traveled to the site of the battle to designate it as a national cemetery.
While on the train, he wrote his speech on a small piece of paper. Three minutes after he
had begun to speak, Lincoln had finished what is now considered to be one of the greatest
speeches in American history.


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This day 11/19/1969, the astronauts Charles pete Conrad and Alan Bean of Apollo 12 landed on the moon, They became the second set of american astronauts to walk the moons surface.


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On this day, 20 Nov 1984, “You deserve a break today...” by knowing that 35 years and 11 months after the
very first McDonald’s hamburger was sold, the 50 billionth burger was made by Edward Rensi, president of
Mickey D’s.
The milestone was celebrated this day at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City.


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On this day, 21 Nov 1980, The second largest TV audience ever, an estimated 82 million people, watched
as Sue Ellen’s sister, Kristin Shepard, shot J.R. Ewing on Dallas.

The jilted mistress was seen holding the smoking gun after a summer of viewers asking that haunting
question, “Who Shot J.R.?” Eighty percent of all viewers watched the show.


golden ticket member
Tomorrow Nov. 22nd, 49 years ago.
7th period, Junior year, typing class and the announcement went over the P.A. system that Kennedy had been shot.


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If any of you have never been to Plymouth, MA, I urge you to add it to you list of travel destinations. Plymouth Rock and Plymouth Plantation are among the scenic sites to see while there. Cape Cod is a short drive away, as is Boston.


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On this day, 23 Nov 1984, Boston College quarterback Doug Flutie passed his way into sports history by leading
Boston College past Miami, 47-45, in Miami.

Flutie threw a 48-yard pass on the final play of the game.

That play became known as ‘The Pass’.

Incidentally, coaches said the 175-pound senior was too short to play football.


Well-Known Member
On this day, 23 Nov 1984, Boston College quarterback Doug Flutie passed his way into sports history by leading
Boston College past Miami, 47-45, in Miami.

Flutie threw a 48-yard pass on the final play of the game.

That play became known as ‘The Pass’.

Incidentally, coaches said the 175-pound senior was too short to play football.

There is much more to the story than this. The receiver who caught the pass, Gerard Phelan, was Flutie's roommate. The game may not have come down to that last play had there not been a penalty which called back a touchdown pass Flutie had thrown to his younger brother earlier in the game. The only reason Phelan was so wide open was the Miami defense did not think Flutie could throw the ball that far (63 yards) and were concentrating on receivers further upfield.


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On this day, 24 Nov 1971, It was a dark, freezing-cold, rainy Thanksgiving eve when Dan Cooper, now better
known as D.B. Cooper, boarded a Northwest Orient airliner in Portland, Oregon.

The chain-smoking Cooper, in his mid-forties, wore dark glasses, a dark suit and tie, and white shirt.
He carried a black briefcase containing what resembled a bomb, using it to hijack the Boeing 727 plane.

Cooper demanded and received $200,000, then parachuted from the plane over the Cascade Mountains in
Southwestern Washington, never to be seen again. ($5,880 of the loot was found on the banks of the Columbia
River in 1980.)

Cooper left several lasting contributions ... the mystery: why did he do it, did he survive, and if so, where did he
go and what did he do with the rest of the money; and a new aircraft design called the "Cooper Vane", a
device that prevents the tail stairways on Boeing 727s from being lowered while in flight (Cooper’s escape route).