We all have to remember that certain management employees are now considered
“a human resource”.. you are no longer considered a real “partner” anymore. That is only reserved for the selected few in the corporate offices who already are set for life.
eating little 

The management plans were formulated at
1/2 your annual salary over the best 5 years over a 10 year span.
So if your salary is roughly 300,000 a year your final pension benefits would equal 150,000.
Most of our old managers who had the service time of 30 years retired at age 55, that plan only had a
3 % penalty applied for every year prior to age 65. The Union’s plans have always been subject to a 6 % penalty.
I heard that the old school management that retired at age 55 never touched their pension benefits till age 65 or beyond because they could comfortably live of their stock sell backs with free Healthcare for them and their spouse.