In the real world in hard times people stop buying high end stuff in large numbers. A lot of rich people have their wealth tied up in stocks and real estate which are going to take a hit. Preserving capital will become much more important than flaunting wealth. The low cost manufacturers will do better in sales but like 2008 the car companies in general will be at risk of failing. And the rich do take better care of themselves in a depression by preserving their capital for what matters. What you're likely to see is Tesla shutting down production and laying off employees until times are better.
No, high end stuff is the only stuff that still moves in a depression.
Mom and pop don't buy their 30k or 40k new car.
But the obnoxious banker still buys his 70k sports EV.
This is life.
You are wrong on the data. Last year, every maker lost ground and lost sales. Except one.
Depressions only magnify that.