Only 5% of next car purchasers expect to buy all electric cars-Road and Track.


Well-Known Member
Animals. The inner cities are hell holes. Now they’re going to move some to the suburbs so they can get the votes there too.
Tucker talked about that too last night. Obama threatened to withhold Federal funding from even Dem controlled suburbs if they didn't allow building of low income housing. Biden administration still trying. Move enough Dem dependent voters in and control elections.


Strength through joy
This new law requires that an MBTA community shall have at least one zoning district of reasonable size in which multi-family housing is permitted as of right and meets other criteria set forth in the statute:
  • Minimum gross density of 15 units per acre
  • Located not more than 0.5 miles from a commuter rail station, subway station, ferry terminal or bus station, if applicable
  • No age restrictions and suitable for families with children
  • Be at least 50 contiguous acres
  • The draft guidelines define “multifamily housing” as a building with:
    • Three or more residential units; or
    • Two or more buildings on the same lot with more than one residential unit in each building.

Only problem is some places can not comply since they don't have the required area available.
{ Another cart before the horse situation }


Well-Known Member
i can name whole continents

latin america

middle east



its ironic how you understand this is true for germany for example but not america as well
Latin America and the Middle East aren't continents. You seemed to be confused about colonialism. Name the countries where we have our military forcing them to send their resources to us? Where we have moved in a significant number of our population to run government and courts? Where all major business they conduct must primarily benefit us?