Only 5% of next car purchasers expect to buy all electric cars-Road and Track.


Well-Known Member
In 1970 when they had the first Earth Day many predictions were made about civilization collapsing by 2000 by highly regarded scientists and economists. Since then they've been continually adjusting upward. Also back then "global cooling" was going to destroy us. You mock religion but your climate cult is your religion.
i mock religion? depending on how they practice it

Nuclear war? play with fire enough and eventually u get burned


Well-Known Member
Can you imagine, believing the governments telling us they need to take everything from us because of global warming while they just set around the world, eating steak, lobster, and caviar laughing at us?
But this is excess consumption, theyre drunk with power

They are not taking everything from us, statistically mamy americans have next to nothing in wealth anyways


Well-Known Member
im not saying a nuclear bomb is a threat to civilization issue and a cliamte issue.

can you imagine the same govt in charge of nuclear bombs are also doing a bad job on the environment?
if enough nukes go off, which is what is expected if at least 1 bomb does go off, it will destroy the climate too and fast enough that even republicans who deny global warming will "take notice" to put it lightly


Well-Known Member
And it's exceptionally pernicious now because it's a pretext for implementing socialism.

@rickyb You are correct about collapsing civilization but probably not in the way you intended. In the last hundred or so years the world population has exploded. That was made possible by industrialization, advances in healthcare, and the development of artificial fertilizers to grow food. There are huge populations in areas that aren't able to sustain them naturally. The world is currently deglobalizing, and aging populations won't be able to sustain themselves. You will see collapses in your lifetime. Food shortages and famine. Highly unlikely in North America. You should be thankful every day your ancestors came to Canada. The world's population won't reach 20 billion. Likely not even 10 billion. Populations will reduce over time as they age out. And the sheer cost of living a certain lifestyle means less children and less consumption for most. You're still young. Instead of raising a fist to protest the world as it is you should be preparing yourself for the world that will be. Because the corporate capitalist world we have now is just a snapshot in time. Things change. We have a very different world than 100 years ago. And at the pace of change now it will likely be a very different world in 20 years.
my ancestors came from europe. they left nazis. but they :censored2:ed up because even then germany had more rights than america. its ok to immigrate, but the problem is they lost their birth certificate. big mistake.

i raise a fist to the world to prevent the collapse that is sure to come if we dont raise a fist.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
my ancestors came from europe. they left nazis. but they :censored2:ed up because even then germany had more rights than america.
I'm sorry to hear that. Did they ever realize that it's an evil ideology?
1 of them was captured
Hopefully by the western allies and not the Russians.
by nazis

she didnt die, she left, but she lost her birth docs and i dont know if she ever bothered to get them after

So you're telling me that your ancestors were actually fleeing the Nazis, and one of them was even captured by them. But you think they :censored2:ed up by fleeing Germany because they had more rights there than in America?


Well-Known Member
So you're telling me that your ancestors were actually fleeing the Nazis, and one of them was even captured by them. But you think they :censored2:ed up by fleeing Germany because they had more rights there than in America?
yea i can understand why they left, but even at the time germany had more laws protecting workers than america. they put all their eggs in the canada basket.

im picky when it comes to countries. so my mom and her grandma not bothering to get their EU citizenship screwed me over.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
So you're telling me that your ancestors were actually fleeing the Nazis, and one of them was even captured by them. But you think they :censored2:ed up by fleeing Germany because they had more rights there than in America?
yea i can understand why they left, but even at the time germany had more laws protecting workers than america. they put all their eggs in the canada basket.

im picky when it comes to countries. so my mom and her grandma not bothering to get their EU citizenship screwed me over.

Ohhhh, so they actually left for Canada and not evil America.

Anyway, would your ancestors really have been better off if they'd just stayed put in Germany since, you know, Germany had better worker protection laws? When they weren't trying to arrest, enslave and/or execute the workers.


Retired 23 years
yea i can understand why they left, but even at the time germany had more laws protecting workers than america. they put all their eggs in the canada basket.

im picky when it comes to countries. so my mom and her grandma not bothering to get their EU citizenship screwed me over.
Man-- the EU sure dodged a bullet there.
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Well-Known Member
Ohhhh, so they actually left for Canada and not evil America.

Anyway, would your ancestors really have been better off if they'd just stayed put in Germany since, you know, Germany had better worker protection laws? When they weren't trying to arrest, enslave and/or execute the workers.
no you misunderstand. germany pioneered the welfare state in some ways. germany had social programs in the 1800s that america didn't get until great depression, if that. germany got universal healthcare in 1883 LOL. america still doesnt have it and its the richest country on earth and probably has been for decades. so using germany as the example, what else was going on in EU at that time for workers vs whats going on here?

its a big :censored2: up to lose your dual citizenship.


Well-Known Member
no you misunderstand. germany pioneered the welfare state in some ways. germany had social programs in the 1800s that america didn't get until great depression, if that. germany got universal healthcare in 1883 LOL. america still doesnt have it and its the richest country on earth and probably has been for decades. so using germany as the example, what else was going on in EU at that time for workers vs whats going on here?

its a big :censored2: up to lose your dual citizenship.
The EU didn't exist in 1883. However Germany was a colonial power which gave it wealth to give its citizens benefits by exploiting primarily Africa. Do you approve of Colonialism? I thought you wanted to help developing nations, not exploit them? You talk about China's trains. China has to import 85% of its fuel and raw commodities to manufacture goods. Where do you think all that is coming from? They have given huge loans to African nations that are difficult to pay back so they take African resources as payment. As they intended all along which is fine with the African leaders because they make big money. Meanwhile Africans are still poor. But hey, China has neat trains!


Well-Known Member
The EU didn't exist in 1883. However Germany was a colonial power which gave it wealth to give its citizens benefits by exploiting primarily Africa. Do you approve of Colonialism? I thought you wanted to help developing nations, not exploit them? You talk about China's trains. China has to import 85% of its fuel and raw commodities to manufacture goods. Where do you think all that is coming from? They have given huge loans to African nations that are difficult to pay back so they take African resources as payment. As they intended all along which is fine with the African leaders because they make big money. Meanwhile Africans are still poor. But hey, China has neat trains!
America is an empire, you do exact same thing with huge loans, and yet no universal healrhcare.


Well-Known Member
America is an empire, you do exact same thing with huge loans, and yet no universal healrhcare.
You're a hypocrite. You talk about helping the Third World but are ok with colonial powers exploiting others as long as they do things for their own citizens.

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
@rickyb maybe you'll get another crack at dual citizenship in China. The country is 90%+ Han Chinese, and they make up almost 20% of the world's population.

Should be no problem getting dual citizenship after spending 15-20 years in one of their reeducation camps.