And it's exceptionally pernicious now because it's a pretext for implementing socialism.
@rickyb You are correct about collapsing civilization but probably not in the way you intended. In the last hundred or so years the world population has exploded. That was made possible by industrialization, advances in healthcare, and the development of artificial fertilizers to grow food. There are huge populations in areas that aren't able to sustain them naturally. The world is currently deglobalizing, and aging populations won't be able to sustain themselves. You will see collapses in your lifetime. Food shortages and famine. Highly unlikely in North America. You should be thankful every day your ancestors came to Canada. The world's population won't reach 20 billion. Likely not even 10 billion. Populations will reduce over time as they age out. And the sheer cost of living a certain lifestyle means less children and less consumption for most. You're still young. Instead of raising a fist to protest the world as it is you should be preparing yourself for the world that will be. Because the corporate capitalist world we have now is just a snapshot in time. Things change. We have a very different world than 100 years ago. And at the pace of change now it will likely be a very different world in 20 years.