OOPS WRONG GUY! How Much Will His Payday Be?


Well-Known Member
Guess again
This is the problem with Americans. It's just black or white here. Africa is as ethnically diverse as Europe and Asia. They aren't just black. Nowhere on Earth right now are millions of a given race or ethnicity being subjugated by another race or ethnic group to do all the manual labor, etc. I can believe there are millions of people being enslaved in small groups or alone. But except for the Uighurs in China I'm not aware of another group being enslaved in such numbers.

What I don't get is the downplaying by some here of the severity and inhumanity of slavery in the U.S. It was bad, horrific. Does that mean every slave got beat all the time? No. But someone holding the power of life and death over another, not letting them be educated, separating families, restricting their movements, there's no way to justify it. And you know what? I've said it before, if everything still required hard manual labor we'd still have slavery. Everywhere. Not someone holding some woman against her will for sex. Institutionalized and accepted as a necessary evil. A whole class of people used for the benefit of another class of people. Rickyb sneers at capitalism but it was the invention of machinery that reduced labor costs to make more profits that was the catalyst for freeing the slaves.


Well-Known Member
This is the problem with Americans. It's just black or white here. Africa is as ethnically diverse as Europe and Asia. They aren't just black. Nowhere on Earth right now are millions of a given race or ethnicity being subjugated by another race or ethnic group to do all the manual labor, etc. I can believe there are millions of people being enslaved in small groups or alone. But except for the Uighurs in China I'm not aware of another group being enslaved in such numbers.

What I don't get is the downplaying by some here of the severity and inhumanity of slavery in the U.S. It was bad, horrific. Does that mean every slave got beat all the time? No. But someone holding the power of life and death over another, not letting them be educated, separating families, restricting their movements, there's no way to justify it. And you know what? I've said it before, if everything still required hard manual labor we'd still have slavery. Everywhere. Not someone holding some woman against her will for sex. Institutionalized and accepted as a necessary evil. A whole class of people used for the benefit of another class of people. Rickyb sneers at capitalism but it was the invention of machinery that reduced labor costs to make more profits that was the catalyst for freeing the slaves.
I think I’ve demonstrated there’s still all kinds of slavery even today, and I’m not certain when I ever downplayed it, if you’re referring to me. All slavery is abhorrent. Are you suggesting Thomas Sowell downplayed it?


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about how many were brought here. The slaves had babies, their population grew. The 1860 U.S. Census lists just shy of 4 million slaves.
conclude that approximately 10 million slaves lived in the United States and that 40 percent of these slaves were living at the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861


Well-Known Member
I think I’ve demonstrated there’s still all kinds of slavery even today, and I’m not certain when I ever downplayed it, if you’re referring to me. All slavery is abhorrent. Are you suggesting Thomas Sowell downplayed it?
I'm saying there are constant comments on here either downplaying the severity or wishing they were still enslaved. I'm well aware some of it is an attempt at humor but a lot of it sounds very much like apologetics for slavery.

Pretty certain if you ask Sowell he'd agree it was pretty damn bad.


Well-Known Member
I'm saying there are constant comments on here either downplaying the severity or wishing they were still enslaved. I'm well aware some of it is an attempt at humor but a lot of it sounds very much like apologetics for slavery.

Pretty certain if you ask Sowell he'd agree it was pretty damn bad.
Maybe that is happening but I don’t think it’s happened in this thread.


Legio patria nostra
I made the point that nowhere in the world today are we seeing a race enslaved like blacks were in the Americas. Closest thing to it is China putting a million plus Uighur men in prison for essentially just being Muslims.
Note your word: “were”

I'm saying there are constant comments on here either downplaying the severity or wishing they were still enslaved. I'm well aware some of it is an attempt at humor but a lot of it sounds very much like apologetics for slavery.

Pretty certain if you ask Sowell he'd agree it was pretty damn bad.
You’re a spin doctor.


Well-Known Member
You’re absolutely wrong. One thing is certain...There are too many of them here.
I get frustrated and angry with a lot that goes on with blacks in this country. But remember this. A lot of what happens with blacks today, while not your fault or mine, is because in the past they were treated as second class citizens who were denied rights we take for granted. Remember also that they are just as much U.S citizens as we are, and that the majority of them are decent people who go to work every day and aren't the criminal element we see on tv. And those decent folks in many cases are much more affected by that criminal element than you'll ever be.


Inordinately Right
A lot of what happens with blacks today, while not your fault or mine, is because in the past they were treated as second class citizens who were denied rights we take for granted.
No it's not.
The people who were mistreated are almost all dead. It's the current loser generations who have nothing better to care about that are being tricked into these race baiting Neomarxist ideologies.