Open Defiance of Cannabis Laws Grow


Medical users don't get high after awhile.Ipersonally don't like getting high
... I don't drink alcohol for the same reason.
The Scared Straight series is perceived as junk because they include cannabis.
Cannabis is not physically addictive but it can be psychologically addictive in persons with mental issues.
Most of the 'druggies' I have met (dozens) have underlying mental issues such as schizophrenia, bi-polar, etc.
I actually educated myself for 3 or 4 months before I started using cannabis.
BTW, I had a cortizone shot in my left knee about 3 - 4 weeks ago and have not used cannabis since then.
When the cortisone wears off, I'll start using it again if it is before I can get a another cortisone shot.
Cortisone is the best pain reliever I have ever taken.
Medical users don't get high after awhile.
I personally don't like getting high ... I don't drink alcohol for the same reason.
The Scared Straight series is perceived as junk because they include cannabis.
Cannabis is not physically addictive but it can be psychologically addictive in persons with mental issues.
Most of the 'druggies' I have met (dozens) have underlying mental issues such as schizophrenia, bi-polar, etc.
I actually educated myself for 3 or 4 months before I started using cannabis.
BTW, I had a cortizone shot in my left knee about 3 - 4 weeks ago and have not used cannabis since then.
When the cortisone wears off, I'll start using it again if it is before I can get a another cortisone shot.
Cortisone is the best pain reliever I have ever taken.
However, you are entitled to your opinion, no matter how ignorant it is.

I do :devil3:


Nine Lives
Trump is already clamping down by appointing Sessions.

Some of you folks have a propensity for voting against your interests.
I agree ... putting that little gnome in as AG was a terrible move with his Ivory Tower views.
He is a political animal and not that up-to-date on what is actually going on in the streets.


Nine Lives
followed by dry eyes and dry mouth...
Again, not all strains but a definite 'negative' with some strains as well as paranoia with a few strains.
The newer developed hybrid strains have a goal of reducing negative effects.
The pure Sativas and Indica strains (especially the landrace strains) tend to have more negatives than do the Hybrid strains.


Victory Ride
Again, not all strains but a definite 'negative' with some strains as well as paranoia with a few strains.
The newer developed hybrid strains have a goal of reducing negative effects.
The pure Sativas and Indica strains (especially the landrace strains) tend to have more negatives than do the Hybrid strains.


Bad Moon Risen'
And relieving stress and more to the point ... depression (getting lifted).
And many strains (not all) are good for pain and headaches, including migraines.
My daughter uses marijuana along with Botox injections and Zomig to control her migraines. Those combinations have greatly reduced her headaches, especially in the thin air of Denver.

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