Open Season on National Monuments


Retired 23 years
I wasn't sure if it was sarcasm or if actually doesn't like the monument. Haven't had enough interaction with him to gauge his intended meaning. If it ever did happen though, i don't believe the aftermath would be pretty. I've lived all over, but I'm southern and I know the south.

Everyone cool their jets. I wasn't saying it should be blown up but that it could be. You stated that there weren't any balls (I assumed you were talking wrecking balls) large enough to take the sculpture on stone mountain down and I said it could be done. If you were talking "man balls" that's just childish. I don't give a crap about most monuments. To me they are just places for pigeons to crap.

El Correcto

god is dead
will you now argue the other side in demonstration of your belief in fairness?
No, liberalism with the virtue signaling and radical stances that attack the foundation of the greatest civilaization man has ever seen matches my pseudo intelligence better when it comes to arguing with strangers on the internet.


Well-Known Member
No, liberalism with the virtue signaling and radical stances that attack the foundation of the greatest civilaization man has ever seen matches my pseudo intelligence better when it comes to arguing with strangers on the internet.
Funny, liberalization and virtue, never seen them used in the same sentence before. No, that's really funny.

el blanco

does any of this discourse get us closer to an acceptacle resolution ?

I am a Vietnam veteran, and cannot vote