Operation Chaos ends in failure...


That is a scary thought Tie. Very scary.

it is indeed. The approach diesel especially applies is to always paint the darkest picture of gloom and doom. Yet fienstien has control and Hussien claims to be an innovator who will change Washington. You would think those folks would have fixed everything by now. If america really is as bad off as diesel claims then it appears his politicians have been neglegent.

And yet we are expected to believe hussien will fix Washington DC when he has yet to fix anything while in congress.

Can people really be naive enough to think hussien will undergo a character change if elected?


Well-Known Member
it is indeed. The approach diesel especially applies is to always paint the darkest picture of gloom and doom. Yet fienstien has control and Hussien claims to be an innovator who will change Washington. You would think those folks would have fixed everything by now. If america really is as bad off as diesel claims then it appears his politicians have been neglegent.

And yet we are expected to believe hussien will fix Washington DC when he has yet to fix anything while in congress.

Can people really be naive enough to think hussien will undergo a character change if elected?

I'll be the first here to admit this Congress needs a dose of Viagra to stiffen up and grow a spine and conduct themselves in favor to the voters who elected them to administer change. Amazingly do you feel were better off than when Clinton left office? Are you OK with the debt our leadership is leaving for our children? I'm not. I think the "everything changes since 9/11" excuse wearing thin.

What? All of this is happening now? How can that be with congress controlled by feinstien and led by the innovator of change B.Hussien himself?

Congress is nothing but Political gridlock. With topics controversial across America and in the Capitol, representatives will vote based on their loyalties: with their party, with their constituents, especially close to election season. In a divided government where the Democrats do not hold a two-thirds majority in either house, they cannot override a presidential veto without convincing some Republicans to vote with them. But with bills dividing even their own party, it will be hard to pass anything in either house. In an open-seat election, many Congresspeople will be vying for the Republican or Democrat ticket, and haven't done anything too controversial in two years. Politics aside, the 109th Congress will have a rough time passing any bill into law, no matter which party is in control.

Wow, how Racist!
This election is about race or gender when you make it about race or gender. Really, it's about qualifications!

Welcome back Braze, I miss going toe to toe with ya....:wink2:
When Tie mentions this:
Brown let me ask the question that I don't see asked much. Do you think this conservative country will really elect a black man for president?
1989 mentions this;
I have a feeling Oboma will be Pelosi's puppet boy.

How do you come to the conclusion that I'm racist when I'm defending racism?

Bush lied people died nonsense, http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110007540
And so long as we are hunting for liars in this area, let me suggest that we begin with the Democrats now proclaiming that they were duped, and that we then broaden out to all those who in their desperation to delegitimize the larger policy being tested in Iraq--the policy of making the Middle East safe for America by making it safe for democracy--have consistently used distortion, misrepresentation and selective perception to vilify as immoral a bold and noble enterprise and to brand as an ignominious defeat what is proving itself more and more every day to be a victory of American arms and a vindication of American ideals.

Please, lets see how many more Bush staff and cabinet cronies write tell all books after 2008 when they find in 2009 its hard to find a job with working in the White house during the Bush administration on their resume'

Generally accepted by whom? By the uninformed? By the liberal media? You'll be reading to your grandchildren in history books (by this time you will have crossed over to the right side) about how this little war in Iraq saved the day, defeated Al Qaeda and kept the terrorist at bay!! :laughing: Gee no attack on American interest for how long now...Of course when your sheep herder Obama gets in there and stops it all they (the terrorists)will be back here in the U.S.in a jiffy and Obama's inexperience will shine through like his empty promises of hope and change and we'll all be friend...ed!:angry:

Its generally accepted already. Every poll points to it. Liberal dominance media is a myth cemented by the pillars of gigantic corperations. At this point "Stay the course" or withdrawal will not effect GW's negative legacy when he leaves office? The only reason he and Cheney are not impeached is because time is on their side when Allied Van Lines Moving Co pulls up to 1600 Penn. Ave.
Before my grandchild learns to read history books, he/she will owe the Gov't $30,000.00 along with the rest of us for this "little War in Iraq".
No attack on American interests, maybe not militarily or with terrorism but economically their bankrupting us and wearing our armies thin to the point of a draft if we encounter another formidable enemy. BTW Al Qaeda and a whole array of terrorist cells are bigger than ever, their just not all concentrated in Iraq. I'll take a real live sheepherder over this leadership anyday. Look where this bunch of experienced clowns got us into.

Sounds like some ranting to me, certainly would rather have some of that neo-con nirvana than the inevitable liberal apocalyptic destruction.:peaceful:
Well if you feel that way, you better fullfill a top ten list of things to do before you die a horrible apocalypic death:knockedout:


Well-Known Member
I'll be the first here to admit this Congress needs a dose of Viagra to stiffen up and grow a spine and conduct themselves in favor to the voters who elected them to administer change. Amazingly do you feel were better off than when Clinton left office? Are you OK with the debt our leadership is leaving for our children? I'm not. I think the "everything changes since 9/11" excuse wearing thin.

Congress is nothing but Political gridlock. With topics controversial across America and in the Capitol, representatives will vote based on their loyalties: with their party, with their constituents, especially close to election season. In a divided government where the Democrats do not hold a two-thirds majority in either house, they cannot override a presidential veto without convincing some Republicans to vote with them. But with bills dividing even their own party, it will be hard to pass anything in either house. In an open-seat election, many Congresspeople will be vying for the Republican or Democrat ticket, and haven't done anything too controversial in two years. Politics aside, the 109th Congress will have a rough time passing any bill into law, no matter which party is in control.

Well if you feel that way, you better fullfill a top ten list of things to do before you die a horrible apocalypic death:knockedout:

Just a little reminder, your grandchildren will owe somewhere in the neighborhood of $400,000 each to the government to cover the cost of your current social entitlement programs. Now doesn't that just leave a warm fuzzy feeling within all of us! :)



Sometimes you leave me no choice but to call you a maroon. As I told you before, better to let everyone think your a dunce and not open your mouth and confirm it.

You said:
Just a little reminder, your grandchildren will owe somewhere in the neighborhood of $400,000 each to the government to cover the cost of your current social entitlement programs. Now doesn't that just leave a warm fuzzy feeling within all of us! :)

When you ask "us" ...your current social entitlement programs... do you include, College loans, free libraries, free policing, free firefighters, free roads, free TV (oh yeah, bush took that away too, forgot that one)

Are you aware of the fact, that the republican debt incurred from 2000 thru 2006 makes every man, woman and child in debt to the goverment to the tune of 38 thousand dollars each?

As this war continues at a pace of $5000 a second, your grandchildren...(should anyone allow you to reproduce outside the family tree)... will bear the burden of your fuzzy warm feeling of being safe.

Tonertoo as well will have to sit his kids down and explain as will you, how trillions of dollars were wasted in a desert so both of you could get a good nights sleep and not worry about those pesky iraqis coming to america and doing us harm.

Yes, trillions so iraqis wont come to the US and terrorise our citizens, attack our constitution and blow up our airplanes... well at least, thats the story your stuck with for now.

You should worry about the 10.5 trillion dollar debt Bush and your same sex loving congressmen left for your grandkids...so laugh it up, the jokes on you.

Your younger than we are, youll pay for the debt longer than we will have too....laugh it up, cause its a belly buster for us democrats!

maroon just doesnt seem to be a strong enough characterisation.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
maroon does not seem to be a very good word, to use on someone who disagrees with you, but I now it doesnt phaze him.
As I was saying I respect your opinions. I just dont agree with you. I may even think you a maroon but I wouldnt call you that. It does nothing to further the debate.
We have the same facts and come to different conclusions, why I dont know.
I will have no problem sitting and explaining to my grandchildren, why we had to go to war. I will have lived through it so I understood it much better than history. And I will be able to tell them how proud I was of their Daddy, and cousins, who served in wartime. And I am grateful for the freedom they have helped us keep from them sneaky little Iraquis who were training in the training camps. Do you think they just melted marshmallows , and sat around the fire and sang songs?
WEll off I go to be indoctrinated some more, while I work all day, and wait on many who WONT, listen to my talk radio, and enjoy my freedom to do so.


Well-Known Member

Sometimes you leave me no choice but to call you a maroon. As I told you before, better to let everyone think your a dunce and not open your mouth and confirm it.

You said:

When you ask "us" ...your current social entitlement programs... do you include, College loans, free libraries, free policing, free firefighters, free roads, free TV (oh yeah, bush took that away too, forgot that one)

College loans are just that, loans. They are meant to be paid back and even earn the government a little interest. Libraries, police, firefighters, and most roads are all supported by the taxes collected by local and state government. The federal programs I am referring to have nothing to do with everything you just mentioned.

Are you aware of the fact, that the republican debt incurred from 2000 thru 2006 makes every man, woman and child in debt to the goverment to the tune of 38 thousand dollars each?

As this war continues at a pace of $5000 a second, your grandchildren...(should anyone allow you to reproduce outside the family tree)... will bear the burden of your fuzzy warm feeling of being safe.

Tonertoo as well will have to sit his kids down and explain as will you, how trillions of dollars were wasted in a desert so both of you could get a good nights sleep and not worry about those pesky iraqis coming to america and doing us harm.

Yes, trillions so iraqis wont come to the US and terrorise our citizens, attack our constitution and blow up our airplanes... well at least, thats the story your stuck with for now.

You should worry about the 10.5 trillion dollar debt Bush and your same sex loving congressmen left for your grandkids...so laugh it up, the jokes on you.

Your younger than we are, youll pay for the debt longer than we will have too....laugh it up, cause its a belly buster for us democrats!

maroon just doesnt seem to be a strong enough characterisation.


Are you aware the $400,000 figure comes from only 3 universal social programs currently offered by the U.S. government? Those are Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The federal government currently spends almost 3 times as much money on those three programs than it does on the military in wartime. The costs of these three programs are set to grow exponentially over the next 30 years bankrupting the programs and leaving a $53 trillion debt on the heads of your children and grandchildren. Now who is the maroon?


Well-Known Member
maroon does not seem to be a very good word, to use on someone who disagrees with you, but I now it doesnt phaze him.
As I was saying I respect your opinions. I just dont agree with you. I may even think you a maroon but I wouldnt call you that. It does nothing to further the debate.
We have the same facts and come to different conclusions, why I dont know.
I will have no problem sitting and explaining to my grandchildren, why we had to go to war. I will have lived through it so I understood it much better than history. And I will be able to tell them how proud I was of their Daddy, and cousins, who served in wartime. And I am grateful for the freedom they have helped us keep from them sneaky little Iraquis who were training in the training camps. Do you think they just melted marshmallows , and sat around the fire and sang songs?
WEll off I go to be indoctrinated some more, while I work all day, and wait on many who WONT, listen to my talk radio, and enjoy my freedom to do so.

Tooney, I agree with your first sentence and posters on both sides of the fence should employ wit or indirect sarcasm instead of personal attacks. Having said that, here's my beef with this post. I'm curious as to what reason some will tell their grandchildren why we HAD to go to war(in Iraq not Afgh.) Hopefully they won't tell them because of Freedom from the sneaky little Iraq'ees singing Kum ba yah songs around the campfire. As far as the troops, we should all be proud of their loyalty even under the stress and negative circumstances of our leadership and commander in chief has put them under.
The question is what and who will determine how history is recorded in our grandchildren's history books. IMO the last war that actually protected our freedom was WWII, and that is even being questioned by Libertarians such as Pat Buchanen with his new book out. I'm sure there will be on going debates as to which history lessons will be published for our public schools or if the debate won't be compromised this country will support more Liberal art schools or more Jerry Fallwell-like Liberty Universitys. I know for sure which school/history lessons my grandchild will be studying, the truth. And hopefully "the truth" can be taught at any and all school levels where all can congregate without mis-representations.


Well-Known Member
I know for sure which school/history lessons my grandchild will be studying, the truth. And hopefully "the truth" can be taught at any and all school levels where all can congregate without mis-representations.

Brings up a good point Dies,,, what are the schools you talking about that teach the "truth"? Reason I ask is everything you said up to that point means the truth is only determined by who you are asking.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I agree diesel. I think the good and bad should be in history books. Not what one side or the other decides should be. I think the facts should be in books, just as journalists should report their findings not their opinions. Only time will truly tell if it was the wrong war. Im not real up on ww11, and it was interesting listening to Buchanan on the radio the other day, as he refers to it as the wrong war. I enjoy listening to thoughts on both sides, I just dont like the bashing. It takes away from the very importance of discourse.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
We keep hearing about the bad shape this country is in right now..... Well guess who is in control! The Congress is controlled by the democrats.

What have you done for us lately, Congress?? Oh! They basically sanctioned a lame duck president saying that he duped the American public into going into Iraq. This is information that will make things better! Congress has spent more time on that than fixing the economy - housing & gas.

The areas that are leading us into a recession are housing and gas. The Arabs are weakening our economy and we are allowing it to happen!

Thank You Democratic Congress for all your leadership the past two years!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

Sometimes you leave me no choice but to call you a maroon. As I told you before, better to let everyone think your a dunce and not open your mouth and confirm it.

You said:

When you ask "us" ...your current social entitlement programs... do you include, College loans, free libraries, free policing, free firefighters, free roads, free TV (oh yeah, bush took that away too, forgot that one)

maroon just doesnt seem to be a strong enough characterisation.


WOW! You have the audacity to call someone a maroon and in the same breath talk about free social entitlement programs. None of those things you mentioned are free!!! Who is paying for this if you think it is free?

WOW! The sheep are out in force - Baaaa - Baaa - Baaa!

Please, do me a favor and read your quote (the one in bold red) to the mirror. After all everything is free - you forgot free social security and free food stamps and free Medicare. I can't wait to cash in on the free Medicare and Social Security.

You should probably cash in on some of the free educational programs we have before it is too late.

And when you are in one of those free educational programs ask someone what the word tax means.

Thanks for the FREE laugh!!!:salute:

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
For the rest of us sheep out there! The scary part is that there are a lot of people that think social entitlement programs are free.

These are some of the same people that are on welfare and feel they are entitled to these "free" services and programs. Some of these folks are 2nd and third generation welfare recipients and have never tried to break out of the mold of the previous generation.

Again the scary part is that this is the type of person who will be voting for more of these "free" services and programs.... After all they are entitled. This is "Change we can depend on"

It takes a taxpayer to really know and understand the difference. Someone who does not want to depend on the rest of America for free services and programs.


Well-Known Member
Operation Chaos A Failure?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Operation Chaos in it's ultimate goal will prove to be a huge success and one that was brillant. And Rush is no dumbie.

You'll see my point when the rating come out and Rush and the EIB can charge more for advertizing mostly because democrats made such a fuss which was exactly what Rush wanted, people tuned in with record numbers and thus he has the demographic data to up his ad rates.

I mean Rush was getting free major network ad time for Pete's sake.
Does this mean Rush was taking "CORPORATE WELFARE?" LOL!

Who sez democrats/liberals/progressives aren't about capitalism and helping the big guy out!


Operation Chaos A Failure?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Operation Chaos in it's ultimate goal will prove to be a huge success and one that was brillant. And Rush is no dumbie.

You'll see my point when the rating come out and Rush and the EIB can charge more for advertizing mostly because democrats made such a fuss which was exactly what Rush wanted, people tuned in with record numbers and thus he has the demographic data to up his ad rates.

I mean Rush was getting free major network ad time for Pete's sake.
Does this mean Rush was taking "CORPORATE WELFARE?" LOL!

Who sez democrats/liberals/progressives aren't about capitalism and helping the big guy out!

Rush may have more liberal listeners then conservatives. I don't know too many conservatives that have the time to listen to rush everyday. Meanwhile liberals like BS keep listening worrying about what we conservatives may be hearing. :happy-very:

keep worrying BS I love the paranoia.