Orion, does it work and if not? Why?


Active Member
I usually run my businesses the way I want to, taking right hand turns on busy roads and then switch it back to orion for residential. I've never had management ask me personally to do better. You can run any one street any way you want without a break in orion as long as your stops are addressed to the same street.


Active Member
Oh and I have a mall on my route right. It's a very empty mall takes about 30-45 min to run that mall. So yesterday I was running that mall then it had a ground residential stop across the busy intersection diagonally from the mall then come right back to the mall to finish the it and go right back across to do the rest of that neighborhood. Would you do that? Only orion
Oh and I have a mall on my route right. It's a very empty mall takes about 30-45 min to run that mall. So yesterday I was running that mall then it had a ground residential stop across the busy intersection diagonally from the mall then come right back to the mall to finish the it and go right back across to do the rest of that neighborhood. Would you do that? Only orion
Sure why not. You get paid by the hour. When they spend a billion on a system because they don't trust you then you follow their system. It's there bed let them lie in it.