I dont disagree with that under normal circumstances. Its probably so prevelenat that they are sending a message. It was supposed to get their attention and judging by the ops rants about calling osha and the nlrb it looks like it had the desired affect.
I think its kind of funny reading through the thread. Posters here actually think they have some god ordained right to be paid to sit on the toilet.
Well, technically, we are directed daily to hydrate frequently, so we are being paid to drink water. Consequently, proper hydration leads to frequent urination. Ask any doctor and they will tell you if your urine is not clear, you are not hydrating enough (and we are assuming you drink water not your typical "energy" drinks that arificially turn your urine dark in color). Personally, I like the Company's position on proper hydration because it will help prevent kidney stones. Anyone who has had a kidney stone will be drinking enough water that they will be urinating at least once, maybe twice an hour. So by following directions the Company has indeed given us the right to be paid to use the toilet. It's cheaper anyway, because short-term disability for kidney stone surgery costs a lot more than the bathroom breaks do.
Reading my contract, it only says I don't get paid during a meal period. Am I missing something?
The Company really shouldn't be trying to pick fights with OSHA. Last year they paid $50k for a firing a driver for refusing to drive an unsafe vehicle and this year they paid another driver $100k for firing him for basically the same thing. Double down anyone?
Really this whole problem boils down to something Tieguy alluded to: "sending a message". Instead of actually
managing their people properly, UPS would rather impose draconian measures that ultimately prove much more costly than the "problem" they were trying to fix.
Bottom line for the OP is that if you have to go, go! I would ignore any managment harassment when you need to use the restroom. If they want you to tell them first, then do so, but do not get into an extended conversation about it until after you have relieved yourself. Simply inform your management person and walk to the restroom. They may threaten discipline, so note down what is said, when, and by whom. You can't really do that much about the harassment until they do discipline you. When/if that happens, file the grievance and a complaint with OSHA at the same time. Also, next time you visit your doctor be sure to discuss your restroom needs and see if the doctor will document this in a note or letter. Something along the lines of "Patient needs frequent restroom breaks because of xxx condition" can go a long way. This battle has been fought and lost time and time again by Management.
To whomever asked: I just coded late air however they told me too, I know it wasn't "request late" or whatever. Obviously I got their attention and it had the desired effect.