The simple fact is there's truth in what everyone is saying on this issue. OSHA wasn't created as a result of UPS. IMO OHSA is a result of lazy insurance companies who wanted to protect the claims window but wanted to provide no effort or cost on their part to do this. They got the public to pay and the gov't to be their police force rather than policing the industry in America and then charging out the nose for those high claim violators. And as Dennis Miller sez, "That's my opinion but I could be wrong!"
There are other industries, construction for example, who had and in some cases still do have more accidents than UPS and they didn't wake up one day and implement safety reforms. I'll bet in many cases there was a lot of foot dragging and screams that accompanied these safety reforms. UPS in some cases is no different because everyone is to some degree this way. When you've got a District or Division Manager down your throat about production or service then I'm not surprised when that supervisor or center manager lets safety slide by in the hopes the risk won't bite him/her. And there are supervisors and center managers who only care when the Dist. or Div. manager cares too.
On the flip side I'll bet everyone of us here at some point has made a judgement call of evaluating the risks and then by-passed safety to do our jobs. "Oh but my supervisor or center manager put me in that situation to begin with to make his/her numbers look good!" Ah, see how your supervisor might react when the heat from upstairs is on him/her? You just reacted the same exact way!
With medicals costs rising almost daily and add in the potential legal risks, safety has achieved a place on the balance sheet now and is more and more becoming a part of the bottomline. Considering what I've seen in the last 22 years from my own vantage point, I believe for whatever reason UPS overall is serious about safety. But I also don't discount the Corp. Settlement Agreement (CSA) with OSHA as having "accelerated" that "coming to Jesus!"
Overall, I still believe that the general welfare clause of the US Constitution doesn't justify the gov't authority to create OSHA and that nothing in the US Constitution grants the authority either. In fact, Art.1 Sec.8 clause 17 prohibits such measures but that's another issue all together and you think we fight over UPS!