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Well-Known Member
Well no wonder I missed this, you replied to Bacha. You're trying to portray me as being anti-Hispanic. I have Hispanic cousins and spent years on the Mexican border in three cities. And have spent a total of 9 months living in three countries in Latin America. I'll put my knowledge of Hispanics up against yours any day. It is just plain ignorant to think millions of people coming over the border are here to pick crops. 5 million let in over two years and Biden shipped them all over the country. Must be a whole lot of crop picking going on. How about our government is shelling out billions to house and feed these people? Don't we already have poor and needy people needing help? Oh, that's right, we'll just add to the national debt and print money. What could go wrong?

Only a far Left liberal would denigrate building a wall while admitting drugs and crime are a problem. Fentanyl is killing over 70,000 people a year in the U.S. That alone should be enough to do everything possible to slow its flow into the U.S.

But let's be honest. You only care about what letting in millions illegally will ultimately do for your party. All those new citizens voting Democrat. Willing to :censored2: up the country to get that done. We'll worry about the details later.

Where does it stop? When we have 400 million in the U.S.? A billion? Hell, just tell them all to come up here. If China can handle over a billion then the U.S. can take in all of Latin America. Would give us a little over a billion people. And the quality of life will be wonderful for everyone. Diversity is our strength! Can't wait until you teach all those socially conservative folks the joys of parading around in wigs and high heels. We'll straighten out those values in no time!
You can do what you want but Mr. Fedex and I are not going to sit around all day in front of conservative media being made to live our everyday lives consumed by fear, doubt, grievance and suspicion. Even in our advancing age there is still plenty of productive contribution left in us and we have an obligation to our peers to use it in ways far more beneficial than to sit around all day watching and listening to conservative media telling it's viewers to prepare for the end of America as we know it . And when it happens it will be all the Democrats fault.

And you know it might just be a good thing if the nation defaults. When those entitlement program checks the ones McCarthy wants to make severe cuts to stops showing up in the MAGA's bank accounts every month and their Medicare and Medicaid cards will no longer be accepted as payment for their medical bills and prescriptions and their SNAP cards are no longer accepted at the grocery store they'll be given a chance to get used to it because there's plenty more of that kind of pain in store for them if McCarthy and the Freedom Caucus gets their way.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Right. vantexan blames the minorities for Red State problems. Obviously, it's White legal migrants causing all of the failures. Shocking. Close those borders.
Just keep shutting down those factories and sending the work here, and we'll keep sending the illegal immigrants there. You guys chose to create this, we're just playing along.


Well-Known Member
You can do what you want but Mr. Fedex and I are not going to sit around all day in front of conservative media being made to live our everyday lives consumed by fear, doubt, grievance and suspicion. Even in our advancing age there is still plenty of productive contribution left in us and we have an obligation to our peers to use it in ways far more beneficial than to sit around all day watching and listening to conservative media telling it's viewers to prepare for the end of America as we know it . And when it happens it will be all the Democrats fault.

And you know it might just be a good thing if the nation defaults. When those entitlement program checks the ones McCarthy wants to make severe cuts to stops showing up in the MAGA's bank accounts every month and their Medicare and Medicaid cards will no longer be accepted as payment for their medical bills and prescriptions and their SNAP cards are no longer accepted at the grocery store they'll be given a chance to get used to it because there's plenty more of that kind of pain in store for them if McCarthy and the Freedom Caucus gets their way.
Blah, blah, blah.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You can do what you want but Mr. Fedex and I are not going to sit around all day in front of conservative media being made to live our everyday lives consumed by fear, doubt, grievance and suspicion. Even in our advancing age there is still plenty of productive contribution left in us and we have an obligation to our peers to use it in ways far more beneficial than to sit around all day watching and listening to conservative media telling it's viewers to prepare for the end of America as we know it . And when it happens it will be all the Democrats fault.

And you know it might just be a good thing if the nation defaults. When those entitlement program checks the ones McCarthy wants to make severe cuts to stops showing up in the MAGA's bank accounts every month and their Medicare and Medicaid cards will no longer be accepted as payment for their medical bills and prescriptions and their SNAP cards are no longer accepted at the grocery store they'll be given a chance to get used to it because there's plenty more of that kind of pain in store for them if McCarthy and the Freedom Caucus gets their way.
Tough guy, eh?


Well-Known Member
You can do what you want but Mr. Fedex and I are not going to sit around all day in front of conservative media being made to live our everyday lives consumed by fear, doubt, grievance and suspicion. Even in our advancing age there is still plenty of productive contribution left in us and we have an obligation to our peers to use it in ways far more beneficial than to sit around all day watching and listening to conservative media telling it's viewers to prepare for the end of America as we know it . And when it happens it will be all the Democrats fault.

And you know it might just be a good thing if the nation defaults. When those entitlement program checks the ones McCarthy wants to make severe cuts to stops showing up in the MAGA's bank accounts every month and their Medicare and Medicaid cards will no longer be accepted as payment for their medical bills and prescriptions and their SNAP cards are no longer accepted at the grocery store they'll be given a chance to get used to it because there's plenty more of that kind of pain in store for them if McCarthy and the Freedom Caucus gets their way.
MrFedEx is about my age if I remember right.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
So the bigots are flocking to states with bigots in charge. This isn’t really the own you think it is.
Nah, we're welcoming to anyone smart enough to tire of a blue state's overreach. Take Nashville, Houston, and Austin for example. They get the former blue state liberals and the suburbs get the blue state conservatives. Same in other states.

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll catch on with demographic trends.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
There is more brain power and capital in 1 California county than most Red States.
And if you take all that brain power and all that capital in all those California counties and put it all together, you get a water shortage despite 800 miles of coastline; a bullet train that was supposed to operational 3 years ago but hasn't had the first mile of track laid yet (and estimated cost of completion has tripled); large homeless populations with poop all over the streets.

Seems like what all the money and brain power in California will get you is problems that you won't have in most red states.


Engorged Member
And if you take all that brain power and all that capital in all those California counties and put it all together, you get a water shortage despite 800 miles of coastline; a bullet train that was supposed to operational 3 years ago but hasn't had the first mile of track laid yet (and estimated cost of completion has tripled); large homeless populations with poop all over the streets.

Seems like what all the money and brain power in California will get you is problems that you won't have in most red states.
1. You can't drink seawater. Perhaps you do, and that would explain a lot.
2. Still being built, much like The Wall, and actually an excellent idea if it ever gets done.
3. Just like most other states.
Nature controls the water supply, and NorCal reservoirs are either full or close to it. Record Sierra snowpack=good water supply right now. I know you have no mountains, just little hills, and the closest seawater is in Alabama. The SF to LA route is either airplane, I-5, or 101/PCH. All crowded, and in the case of 101/PCH, very slow. A high-speed rail option would have a lot of customers. And, finally, the homeless situation in CA resembles that in other large cities nationwide. The milder weather makes homelessness more attractive there than in Minnesota. I have to FedExplain a lot to you, but nothing seems to penetrate solid lead.
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Well-Known Member
Yep. Nope. More crapola. Ever seen migrant housing?


I think I know what yer talking about.

I think that once upon a time it was what was called: "affordable housing."

The housing still exists but instead of working-class citizens, they're full of immigrants.

And the California state government pays their rent, while working class tax-paying citizens struggle to find and afford housing of their own.

I don't blame the immigrants. The problem lies in the members of both political parties that enable them.


Well-Known Member
Ever lived in a state with lots of migrant workers and illegals? Obviously not. Getting your information from the usual suspects is always good for a laugh.
Wherever you live, it doesn’t sound agricultural. Carry on with The Narrative that illegals all get free Obamaphones, WiFi, and 4 star hotels. I think they also get a free Lexus.
Hey, I think we've just discovered the way to stop the flow of illegals to California! Put up signs at the border telling them that the Democrats have given $800 billion in reparations to the blacks and there won't be any free cars or phones or housing for them. And they'll have to turnover 90% of their paycheck to pay for it.


Engorged Member
And if you take all that brain power and all that capital in all those California counties and put it all together, you get a water shortage despite 800 miles of coastline; a bullet train that was supposed to operational 3 years ago but hasn't had the first mile of track laid yet (and estimated cost of completion has tripled); large homeless populations with poop all over the streets.

Seems like what all the money and brain power in California will get you is problems that you won't have in most red states.
Your abilities at self-ownership are readily apparent. This makes you perfect for your job as Prevaricator-In Chief at FedEx. Bravo, sir. Almost every Federal or State project comes in well over budget and late, but you already know that. It won't take much digging to come up with a very long list of Red State pork projects that are similar boondoggles or worthless, except as a favor to some company the governor has lured away with tax breaks, their own freeway off-ramp or similar vermin bait that is seen as just fine to the citizenry, who might finally hit a $15 per hour Big Money job.
Carry on. The Narrative must be protected and served.


Engorged Member
Hey, I think we've just discovered the way to stop the flow of illegals to California! Put up signs at the border telling them that the Democrats have given $800 billion in reparations to the blacks and there won't be any free cars or phones or housing for them. And they'll have to turnover 90% of their paycheck to pay for it.
1. There's a 'wall".
2. Isn't going to happen, and the veiled racism is paper thin veneer.
3. Sure.


Well-Known Member
1. There's a 'wall".
2. Isn't going to happen, and the veiled racism is paper thin veneer.
3. Sure.
You know something Mr. Fedex. On June 15th 2023 you and I will for the second of what will be 4 times this year and will do what we do every year and is something that Mr. VT doesn't do and probably has never done or will ever do.

We will fill out an ES40, get out our check books and stroke a check payable to the "United States Treasury". In addition we will also sends checks to our individual state department of revenue.

You see it would appear that Mr. VT has never heard the old saying...."money talks and bull feces walks".

Whether it's politics or pinochle that old saying still applies. Now if you want a political audience that's fine. But if you ain't paying...they ain't staying.

You see Mr. Fedex, a lot of MAGA's try to coverup their poverty through the use of loud bombastic political diatribe. And many have had zero federal and or state income tax liability for years.

So if you run across a MAGA and they start rebroadcasting Fox News latest headline to you, just ask them if they sent their COVID relief checks back And when you remind them that it's dirty money on account of the fact that not a single MAGA in either chamber of Congress voted for the bill....it will shut them up every single time.


Engorged Member
You know something Mr. Fedex. On June 15th 2023 you and I will for the second of what will be 4 times this year and will do what we do every year and is something that Mr. VT doesn't do and probably has never done or will ever do.

We will fill out an ES40, get out our check books and stroke a check payable to the "United States Treasury". In addition we will also sends checks to our individual state department of revenue.

You see it would appear that Mr. VT has never heard the old saying...."money talks and bull feces walks".

Whether it's politics or pinochle that old saying still applies. Now if you want a political audience that's fine. But if you ain't paying...they ain't staying.

You see Mr. Fedex, a lot of MAGA's try to coverup their poverty through the use of loud bombastic political diatribe. And many have had zero federal and or state income tax liability for years.

So if you run across a MAGA and they start rebroadcasting Fox News latest headline to you, just ask them if they sent their COVID relief checks back And when you remind them that it's dirty money on account of the fact that not a single MAGA in either chamber of Congress voted for the bill....it will shut them up every single time.
Wait until Drumpf gets indicted for the Classified Documents and is looking at jail time. The BS Machine will go into overdrive. Yep, MAGA is powerful Kool-Aid.


Well-Known Member
We will fill out an ES40, get out our check books and stroke a check payable to the "United States Treasury".

There have been some weird personal fantasies posted here over the years but stroking your checks is a new one. But hey, you're a consenting adult. Just keep it to yourself, ok?

But seriously I must be hitting the target when you have to go after me personally.