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Engorged Member
How come Trump hasn't been indicted yet? Could it be that the current president has a much bigger problem with classified documents? You know, the one you say is much more coherent than Mr. Trump?
Yep, that's it. No matter what, Trump is "innocent" and all of you will defend him until he disappears. Discussion and rational thinking are impossible in the world of Alternative Facts.


Well-Known Member
So you're good with overspending? Shocking.
Look I'm not going to get into this. I write checks payable to the United States Treasury four times a year and in a few months I'll turn 70 but I'm not worried about it but for some reason there are people many of whom haven't paid in a dime in years have allowed the gloom and doom station to scare them into believing that the entitlement programs they're living on are a threat to the good of the nation and they will have to learn to live without them while crypto traders and hedge fund managers manipulate tax rules to make millions but pay little or nothing.

My advice to you is simply this. If it's that important to you....go to college and get a degree in accounting, or political science or intergovernmental studies. This way you can worry your little head to your heart's content but at the same time speak to the matter in a professionally qualified and legally recognized manner. What you're doing here is a disservice to yourself .


Well-Known Member
Look I'm not going to get into this. I write checks payable to the United States Treasury four times a year and in a few months I'll turn 70 but I'm not worried about it but for some reason there are people many of whom haven't paid in a dime in years have allowed the gloom and doom station to scare them into believing that the entitlement programs they're living on are a threat to the good of the nation and they will have to learn to live without them while crypto traders and hedge fund managers manipulate tax rules to make millions but pay little or nothing.

My advice to you is simply this. If it's that important to you....go to college and get a degree in accounting, or political science or intergovernmental studies. This way you can worry your little head to your heart's content but at the same time speak to the matter in a professionally qualified and legally recognized manner. What you're doing here is a disservice to yourself .
When have I ever said the entitlements are a threat to the nation? It's the constant overspending by the government that's a threat to the nation. It's letting in millions illegally that we have to support that's a threat to the nation. Don't worry your ugly big head about anything else until you fix that.


Engorged Member
When have I ever said the entitlements are a threat to the nation? It's the constant overspending by the government that's a threat to the nation. It's letting in millions illegally that we have to support that's a threat to the nation. Don't worry your ugly big head about anything else until you fix that.
I think we should eliminate Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia and rid ourselves of all those White people we have to support.


Well-Known Member
Yep, that's it. No matter what, Trump is "innocent" and all of you will defend him until he disappears. Discussion and rational thinking are impossible in the world of Alternative Facts.
You didn't answer the question. I didn't say he's innocent, I asked how come he hasn't been indicted yet?


Well-Known Member
I think we should eliminate Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia and rid ourselves of all those White people we have to support.
Yah, after killing their jobs all that's left is to kill them. Maybe you can move the illegals into their houses and support them there.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I think we should eliminate Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia and rid ourselves of all those White people we have to support.


Well-Known Member
When have I ever said the entitlements are a threat to the nation? It's the constant overspending by the government that's a threat to the nation. It's letting in millions illegally that we have to support that's a threat to the nation. Don't worry your ugly big head about anything else until you fix that.
You keep talking about overspending. Don't you get it. Your party claims that entitlements are responsible for the overspending. On the basis of your comments it would appear that you favor entitlement reform. Now are you OK with the fact that entitlement reform could result in you receiving far fewer benefits than you were counting? Lower monthly SS benefit with much higher Medicare premiums higher deductibles, copays and maximum out of pocket to the point where there is no SS benefit left.

So don't think for a minute that the strict eligibility reform your party demands will somehow spare you from it's impact.


Well-Known Member
You keep talking about overspending. Don't you get it. Your party claims that entitlements are responsible for the overspending. On the basis of your comments it would appear that you favor entitlement reform. Now are you OK with the fact that entitlement reform could result in you receiving far fewer benefits than you were counting? Lower monthly SS benefit with much higher Medicare premiums higher deductibles, copays and maximum out of pocket to the point where there is no SS benefit left.

So don't think for a minute that the strict eligibility reform your party demands will somehow spare you from it's impact.
SS and Medicare are self funded. They are in danger of reductions because their trust funds are depleting. But that has nothing to do with the overspending I'm talking about. $31 trillion in debt yet the administration balks at necessary spending cuts in order to avoid default. Comes up with things like spending half a trillion on student loan debt relief for people with good incomes. Spends who knows how much supporting millions of illegal aliens he let in without vetting. Gives pretty much a blank check to Ukraine. When does it end? Hopefully with the next administration.