Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Donna Brazil's, head of the DNC at the time, admitted they rigged the Democrat nomination against Bernie Sanders for Hillary. Where's the investigation into that?
Where is your proof?
Well certainly if there's irregularities in an election there should be a special counsel. We all know that. No evidence yet of Russian collusion but we know from Brazile, Wasserman-Schultz, and Podesta's hacked emails that the Democrat side was tainted. So where's the special counsel to investigate? Bernie Sanders supporters were disenfranchised.
Ah there it is! The hacked emails by the Russians! Those released by Assange, received from Russian hackers, the ones which Stone referred to as, "podesta's time in the barrel" days before the Wikileaks release. The ones released to bury Billy Bush's, "grab them by the pusillanimous," tape. All following the entire Tump for President circus clowns meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya who was, but wasn't a lawyer who only talked about the Magnitsky Act but only after Trump Sr. "didn't" write out Jr.'s "official" statement which he said was his but days after he released his own emails showing it was a meeting about dirt on Hillary.