That's how everyone should think of what
@browned out is....
@browned out
What happened with all the NLRB charges
you filed against Local 243 ?
I've asked this question.... on multiple occasions.
Encouraging others to think of me as a s#@*d^%k is uncalled for. My feelings are hurt.
The NLRB did not rule in favor of the UPS Teamster Members.
No surprise there. The NLRB examiner and Local 243 leaders are on a first name basis. They have worked side by side to win minor victories for Teamsters while ignoring major wrongdoing by the Teamsters and UPS against Teamster UPSers.
The members have a snowball's chance in H E double toothpicks chance of winning a NLRB charge against their union or a duty of fair representation suit against their union.
That does not mean one should not attempt to do what is right.
243 did not act in the members' best interest and 243 was dishonest. 243 is a company controlled local in alliegence with UPS management, Hoffa, Hall, Vairma, Herrea and the rest of the Teamster Powerderpuff Slate.
1. Creating the 22.4 classification without creating language guaranteeing RPCDs the right to 40 hours or setting new rights to OT hours is beyond foolish. It was done purposely. 243 leaders stated they did not know what rights an RPCD would have to work Saturday if that meant getting their 40 hours. "We don't know" WTF? How about guaranteeing the right to 40 hours to an RPCD before a newly created 22.4 classification has a right to 40 hours. Elementary.
2. Telling the members that their health insurance would remain the same as the previous contract was a lie pure and simple. $100 $200 family) deductible is not equal to the $500 ($1000 family) deductible we pay now.
3. Allowing UPS to force drivers off of their preferred and bid on Tuesday thru Saturday schedules back to a Monday thru Friday schedule is moronic.
The slapdicks created the 22.4 with no thought to seniority regarding preferred schedules and OT protections or OT rights?
No one could be that inept and incompetent. The Teamsters under Hoffa/Hall/Taylor are a company controlled union and they knew exactly what they were doing.
If the status quo of a company controlled ass clown union is what the members want then they can vote for the Teamster PowerDerPuff slate.