Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Legio patria nostra
Why does Netanyahu’s staff say “ he’s busy” every time Biden calls whining about giving more aid & comfort to the enemy and “a 2 state solution”?

Netanyahu was quoted as saying:
“The :censored2:ing guy won’t leave me alone”.


Binge Poster
Prayer for the Middle East

God of mercy and compassion of grace and reconciliation, pour your power on all your children in the Middle East: Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Palestinians, and Israelis. Let hatred be turned into love, fear to trust, despair to hope, oppression to freedom, that violent encounters be replaced by loving embraces, and that peace and justice may be experienced by all. Amen. 🙏


Well-Known Member
Prayer for the Middle East

God of mercy and compassion of grace and reconciliation, pour your power on all your children in the Middle East: Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Palestinians, and Israelis. Let hatred be turned into love, fear to trust, despair to hope, oppression to freedom, that violent encounters be replaced by loving embraces, and that peace and justice may be experienced by all. Amen. 🙏
You and I don’t always agree on everything in this regard, but I do believe praying for people to change still the best answer.
Well, you can have your opinion. IDGAF
If you didn't notice, Clinton empowered the arabs and as a result, we had 9/11, after their efforts to blow up the WTC from the garage below failed, or don't you believe those things actually happened?
are you serious? Clinton's main corruptor was China, the Saudis were empowered by Reagan and Bush I

Clinton at least had the decency to try and assassinate Bin Laden a couple times, even if it was half-assed, at least he wasn't a :censored2:ing CIA spook like George

BTW, can you measure Bush's specific actions that were created to deter and prevent further terrorist actions?
are you saying the Patriot Act prevented terrorism?
lol, lmao, i thought neocons like you had been laughed out of public by now but i guess i was wrong

Traitor? You don't have an argument about Bush being a "traitor" as there is against obama and biden...smh
so letting over 30k young men die in Iraq for sketchy reconstruction deals that Bush profited from, that's not treason to you?


Well-Known Member
What is your personal interest that is the reasons for your strong feelings about this?

Are from Gaza or have you been hurt in ways that is behind your response?
i am an internationalist so when i hear people's lands are being violently stolen and the worlds biggest concentration camp is on going, i do something about it

theres a protest in a little over 48 hours. i cant wait.