Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Binge Poster
i am an internationalist so when i hear people's lands are being violently stolen and the worlds biggest concentration camp is on going, i do something about it

theres a protest in a little over 48 hours. i cant wait.
As an internationalist I assume you are a person who advocates or believes in cooperation and understanding between nations. I can really respect that.

I do sense a spirit of hatred and animosity in some of the posts you make.

How does hatred and animosity promote your cause of cooperation and understanding between nations that you espouse as a professed internationalist?


Legio patria nostra
are you serious? Clinton's main corruptor was China, the Saudis were empowered by Reagan and Bush I

Clinton at least had the decency to try and assassinate Bin Laden a couple times, even if it was half-assed, at least he wasn't a :censored2:ing CIA spook like George

are you saying the Patriot Act prevented terrorism?
lol, lmao, i thought neocons like you had been laughed out of public by now but i guess i was wrong

so letting over 30k young men die in Iraq for sketchy reconstruction deals that Bush profited from, that's not treason to you?

Too bad you don't know WTF you're talking about.

By "Neocon", you are referring to my obvious, militaristic and conservative viewpoints?
You probably don't really know what the term means, but I need to understand if you are trying to insult or praise me or if you're just :censored2:ing stupid...

Clarify, Conchie.


nowhere special

Too bad you don't know WTF you're talking about.

By "Neocon", you are referring to my obvious, militaristic and conservative viewpoints?
You probably don't really know what the term means, but I need to understand if you are trying to insult or praise me or if you're just :censored2:ing stupid...

Clarify, Conchie.
If you aren't a RINO that makes you a Neocon?


Well-Known Member
I haven’t heard this on the BC before, would you care to explain this position.
Any Democrat supports communism/socialism at the the very least by proxy. Vote Democrat or are/do. If you do not understand such, you are at the very least not paying attention or not capable of understanding. The position of liberal/communist/socialist/Democrats is in full view in broad daylight. This is settled history. It permeates throughout the left -wing(Democrat). Media, business and govt.

Btw, most Democrats won't freely admit being commie or such even socialist for obvious reasons. But they are.


Binge Poster
Any Democrat supports communism/socialism at the the very least by proxy. Vote Democrat or are/do. If you do not understand such, you are at the very least not paying attention or not capable of understanding. The position of liberal/communist/socialist/Democrats is in full view in broad daylight. This is settled history. It permeates throughout the left -wing(Democrat). Media, business and govt.

Btw, most Democrats won't freely admit being commie or such even socialist for obvious reasons. But they are.
As far a I remember, my Local Officials always supported the Democratic Party Candidates. They were against the anti-labor view/pro big business view of the Republican Party.

I didn’t view them as liberal, communists, or socialists. I just viewed them as supporters of the Democratic Party in our predominantly 2 party system of politics.

Brown Circus

Shh...It’s peak and I’m hunting logic
As far a I remember, my Local Officials always supported the Democratic Party Candidates. They were against the anti-labor view/pro big business view of the Republican Party.

I didn’t view them as liberal, communists, or socialists. I just viewed them as supporters of the Democratic Party in our predominantly 2 party system of politics.
The cats out of the bag at this point. The future of our country envisioned by the Democrat Party is socialism.


Well-Known Member
As an internationalist I assume you are a person who advocates or believes in cooperation and understanding between nations. I can really respect that.

I do sense a spirit of hatred and animosity in some of the posts you make.

How does hatred and animosity promote your cause of cooperation and understanding between nations that you espouse as a professed internationalist?
I hate injustice. i hate gangster like activity


Binge Poster
The cats out of the bag at this point. The future of our country envisioned by the Democrat Party is socialism.
Can’t say I agree.

Social justice maybe but IMO not the political structure of Socialism. I think we will remain more of a Democratic Republic.

At least in name. Since the rich and big business already rule the USA roost.

I believe in social justice.


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
As far a I remember, my Local Officials always supported the Democratic Party Candidates. They were against the anti-labor view/pro big business view of the Republican Party.

I didn’t view them as liberal, communists, or socialists. I just viewed them as supporters of the Democratic Party in our predominantly 2 party system of politics.
Right. You conveniently forget or are ignorant(with all respect) of all the other stuff. Where do you think all this BLM, trans, filth, garbage, blue city blight comes from? Who supports Hamas murdering thousands? Children.......DEMOCRATS. WHO flies Palestinian flags in their capitol offices.......Democrats.

Who do you think are communist, socialist liberals? THEY ARE DEMOCRATS.

See(with all respect), a singular or myopic view such as liberalism or even religious views and eventually single issue voters are the most dangerous creatures on earth. They will trade their issue at any cost. See above.


Well-Known Member
Can’t say I agree.

Social justice maybe but IMO not the political structure of Socialism. I think we will remain more of a Democratic Republic.

At least in name. Since the rich and big business already rule the USA roost.

I believe in social justice.
Define please......this social justice. Is it appointing Supreme Court Judges based on sex/race/sexual orientation? Like that? Or making commercials based solely on skin color? Or how about promotions at work?