Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)

Brown Circus

Shh...It’s peak and I’m hunting logic
I hope Putin is not your example of peace through strong leadership. Or that North Korean idiot who trump admires.
Has anyone anywhere implied that. Inflammatory statements don’t ruffle my feathers. The fact is that the Afghanistan pullout debacle resulted in dead US servicemen from their own countries rocket, the arming of modern weapons to our enemies, and the emboldening of those same enemies to begin planning this war. Not to mention that Putin only does what he knows he can get away with. For 4 years he was pretty quiet


Well-Known Member
i watched a debate with norman finkelstein. norman finkelstein has been mentioned by chris hedges and noam chomsky as one of the top sources on the conflict. norman finkelsteins jedi master was noam chomsky. norman finkelstein's expertise is from his reading 3x over of human rights reports for 40 years on the conflict

i like how the article mentions noam chomsky



Well-Known Member
Has anyone anywhere implied that. Inflammatory statements don’t ruffle my feathers. The fact is that the Afghanistan pullout debacle resulted in dead US servicemen from their own countries rocket, the arming of modern weapons to our enemies, and the emboldening of those same enemies to begin planning this war. Not to mention that Putin only does what he knows he can get away with. For 4 years he was pretty quiet
speaking of putin....

our govt is against putin invasion and occupation of ukraine, but supports israel occupation LOL

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
It seems Israel has come up with a better solution to Hamas tunnels.
It's a low cost idea called the Sponge Bomb.
How Israeli sponge bombs could be used to trap Hamas terrorists in tunnels underground
Sponge-Bomb Square Pants!

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
This study stands the test of time...
From the article:
“And so rather than face the fact that we’re at war with a relentless enemy with whom no negotiated peace is possible, such people retreat into fantasies about how the whole thing could be settled somehow if we could only figure out how to stop doing whatever it is they don’t like.”

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
IMO there Needs to be a salary cap on life. Nobody needs more than a million per year especially to make :censored2: music or be a 3rd string QB.
Anybody making under 100k should pay zero or very little in income tax. The economy would soar
Every citizen of the United States should contribute something to support our government. It is a civic duty.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Has anyone anywhere implied that. Inflammatory statements don’t ruffle my feathers. The fact is that the Afghanistan pullout debacle resulted in dead US servicemen from their own countries rocket, the arming of modern weapons to our enemies, and the emboldening of those same enemies to begin planning this war. Not to mention that Putin only does what he knows he can get away with. For 4 years he was pretty quiet
For 4 years Putin had his own puppet in the White House doing his bidding like weakening NATO and dividing this country. Doesn't look like Putin is getting away with anything in the Ukraine. Not with fighting Joe Biden in charge.


Inordinately Right
For 4 years Putin had his own puppet in the White House doing his bidding like weakening NATO and dividing this country. Doesn't look like Putin is getting away with anything in the Ukraine. Not with fighting Joe Biden in charge.
Putin put barack and joe on their knees.
Took Crimea and the feckless pair of weaklings did nothing.

Then peace when Trump was President.

Now that weak joe is back, Putin invades again. Instead of rallying European allies to stop him, Joe let's a needless war go on for years.

Not surprising.
Joe is weak.


Well-Known Member
it was an illegal invasion likely brought on by NATO expansion into ukraine - a hostile military alliance.
Did NATO expand into Ukraine? And again, you compared Israel invading Gaza to Russia invading Ukraine. Did Ukraine attack Russia? No. Did Hamas attack Israel? Yes.


Well-Known Member
Did NATO expand into Ukraine? And again, you compared Israel invading Gaza to Russia invading Ukraine. Did Ukraine attack Russia? No. Did Hamas attack Israel? Yes.
NATO wanted to expand into ukraine

i already answered your other questions - russia committed a war crime by invading and occupying ukraine