How does a Jewish state leave the Jews out? Israel was created by the U.N specifically as a homeland for Jews. Apparently you missed the part where the Nazis killed 6 million Jews. 2 million Israeli PALESTINIANS live peacefully in Israel. The ones who are fenced off refuse to live peacefully. Did you know the Israeli Muslims have their own political party in the Knesset? That the multi party Jewish state can't function without their being included in political coalitions? You know, the people you claim are highly discriminated against. I wonder why with 2 million Muslims living in in Israel's borders the constant market and bus bombings, the many public knifings, virtually stopped after the West Bank and Gaza were fenced off? The Gazans earned that fence with their terrorism. And Israel has finally had enough and are doing something about it. If Gaza is the world's largest open air prison then you'll be pleased to know that Israel is shutting it down. I hope they relocate the entire Gaza population to another country and turn Gaza into a paradise by the sea for Jews. They deserve it after what they have put up with for decades by an extraordinarily violent ethnic group.