Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
A Palestinian pollster just took a survey of residents of Gaza and the West Bank. 72% of respondents approved of what Hamas did October 7th. They have no one else to blame but themselves.
Then they can’t complain when they end as collateral casualties. Eff em.


Well-Known Member
A Palestinian pollster just took a survey of residents of Gaza and the West Bank. 72% of respondents approved of what Hamas did October 7th. They have no one else to blame but themselves.
you are allowed to have an opinion and not be killed under international law


Well-Known Member
Why on God's green Earth would anyone want to go into a zone run by murderous thugs? Like that young man who went to North Korea on a tour and got beat to a pulp, then died, after he committed what would have been laughed out of court here.

You say that Israel and the U.S. have kept a two state solution from happening. Both Arafat and Abbas have had documents put in front of them that they refused to sign. Yasser Arafat said if he signed it, creating two states, he would be a dead man. The thugs who would've killed him then are the ones running the show now. They took all that international aid and built tunnels and bought weapons (and made their leadership super rich). And you've bought into it hook, line, and sinker.
were talking about signs that gaza is a concentration camp

one sign is tourists could not easily go in and out prior to oct 7. another sign of this is the levels of hunger pointing to the israeli military blockade preventing anything from going in or out. egypt also guilty on its border.

yes israel does not want a 2 state solution, they want to expand the state of israel which is why they have a history of occupying land in the surrounding countries, and plans to do so again in the future.



Inordinately Right
They can kill all the people in Gaza they want, but it won't make Israel safer,
Killing terrorists who are trying to murder you will not make you safer?
nor will it stop a new generation of people seeing no alternative but violence.
Palestinians indoctrinate children from birth to believe that Jews are satanic and have to be wiped out.

Killing those terrorists who brainwash these children will absolutely help to stop "a new generation" from becoming terrorists.


Well-Known Member
Killing terrorists who are trying to murder you will not make you safer?

Palestinians indoctrinate children from birth to believe that Jews are satanic and have to be wiped out.

Killing those terrorists who brainwash these children will absolutely help to stop "a new generation" from becoming terrorists.
israel will commit way more terrorism than hamas to stop terrorism the same way america failed to stop it


Well-Known Member
Killing terrorists who are trying to murder you will not make you safer?

Palestinians indoctrinate children from birth to believe that Jews are satanic and have to be wiped out.

Killing those terrorists who brainwash these children will absolutely help to stop "a new generation" from becoming terrorists.
So genocide is the stated solution? Good to know


Inordinately Right
Leftists right now:



Well-Known Member
Israel has become a white supremacist state and is doubling down on this. Its racism toward Palestinians is overwhelming, and is either denied or just ignored by our media and supporters of Israel.


Well-Known Member
you are allowed to have an opinion and not be killed under international law
If your opinion is the Jews should've been slaughtered on October 7th, and you're going to do it again as soon as possible, then don't be surprised if a missile blows you to smithereens.


Well-Known Member
Israel has become a white supremacist state and is doubling down on this. Its racism toward Palestinians is overwhelming, and is either denied or just ignored by our media and supporters of Israel.
Can you prove that? Is that why you hate Israel, because "whites" have the upper hand?

This reminds me of George Zimmerman, the guy who killed Trayvon Martin. The press was all over it because a white guy killed a black teenager. Never mind the teenager was stronger and had pounded Zimmerman's skull into the concrete in the dark, in the rain. Then it came out that Zimmerman was half Hispanic, that Spanish had been his first language when he was little. The Press looked like a deer caught in the headlights. It's pathetic that the first consideration is always race. Every. Single.Time.


Well-Known Member
Killing terrorists who are trying to murder you will not make you safer?

Palestinians indoctrinate children from birth to believe that Jews are satanic and have to be wiped out.

Killing those terrorists who brainwash these children will absolutely help to stop "a new generation" from becoming terrorists.

Can you prove that? Is that why you hate Israel, because "whites" have the upper hand?

This reminds me of George Zimmerman, the guy who killed Trayvon Martin. The press was all over it because a white guy killed a black teenager. Never mind the teenager was stronger and had pounded Zimmerman's skull into the concrete in the dark, in the rain. Then it came out that Zimmerman was half Hispanic, that Spanish had been his first language when he was little. The Press looked like a deer caught in the headlights. It's pathetic that the first consideration is always race. Every. Single.Time.

the author is Jewish


Inordinately Right

the author is Jewish
You said killing terrorists will not make Israel safer. I called you out.

Why did you then quote me and respond with a different issue?

Do you want to defend your position that letting terrorists live and continue to attack Israel is the "safer" option?


Well-Known Member
If your opinion is the Jews should've been slaughtered on October 7th, and you're going to do it again as soon as possible, then don't be surprised if a missile blows you to smithereens.
thats not how international law works. civilians are entitled to their opinions

stop watching hte MSM.


Well-Known Member
Go back and read my post, because you obviously got confused.

There is not a genocide happening because Israel is stopping the Palestinian terror state from commiting it.
20000 dead is not a genocide lol

the israeli govt even quotes it. "no food no water no electricity" for example. i have a list of quotes.