Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Well-Known Member
Bill Maher did a great segment on this at the end of his season finale show on Friday. A very worthwhile watch.

It may be a “magical time of year,” but what we all really need right now is a good dose of realism about Israel and Palestine.

I posted that as a separate post early Saturday. Got plenty of views but no comments.


Well-Known Member
Why are 2 million Palestinians living peacefully within Israel, enjoying a First World life? Gaza isn't a concentration camp, it's just walled off after constantly committing atrocities.
theyre not peacefullly living. its a terribly racist system they live under.

how is gaza not a concentration camp if even tourists have a very hard time getting in and out?

you know what i dont get about bill maher is he uses some strong terms like occupation and colonization so if he acknowledges israel is doing stuff like that why is he defending it and why does he not mention anything about why is america sending billions every year to it, not to mention the other countries that are sending money to israel

crimes in history are no justification for crimes now. i dont like bill maher. sometimes he has good guests on


Well-Known Member
theyre not peacefullly living. its a terribly racist system they live under.

how is gaza not a concentration camp if even tourists have a very hard time getting in and out?

you know what i dont get about bill maher is he uses some strong terms like occupation and colonization so if he acknowledges israel is doing stuff like that why is he defending it and why does he not mention anything about why is america sending billions every year to it, not to mention the other countries that are sending money to israel

crimes in history are no justification for crimes now. i dont like bill maher. sometimes he has good guests on
Maher is simply pointing out that the Jews won territory fighting the Arabs, no different than how the Arabs pushed out, conquered, dominated peoples far beyond the borders of what is now Saudi Arabia. You don't seem troubled at all that Lebanon was once a Christian nation and most Christian Lebanese have fled the country if not killed by Arabs. And you show your hand talking about racism. They're all Semitic people. The Arabs are much more influenced biologically by all the black slaves they brought up from Africa. The Jews are much more influenced by their diaspora to Europe and Russia. So you guys see a lighter complexion and start talking racism. And what do you know of how Israeli Arabs are living anyways? Since Israel put that surrounding fence up the attacks on Jews, the stabbings, shootings, and bombings has almost disappeared. You're making assumptions. Why? Because the Jews look European to you!


Well-Known Member
Maher is simply pointing out that the Jews won territory fighting the Arabs, no different than how the Arabs pushed out, conquered, dominated peoples far beyond the borders of what is now Saudi Arabia. You don't seem troubled at all that Lebanon was once a Christian nation and most Christian Lebanese have fled the country if not killed by Arabs. And you show your hand talking about racism. They're all Semitic people. The Arabs are much more influenced biologically by all the black slaves they brought up from Africa. The Jews are much more influenced by their diaspora to Europe and Russia. So you guys see a lighter complexion and start talking racism. And what do you know of how Israeli Arabs are living anyways? Since Israel put that surrounding fence up the attacks on Jews, the stabbings, shootings, and bombings has almost disappeared. You're making assumptions. Why? Because the Jews look European to you!
i know how israel arabs are living because its so bad journalists report on it. its described as apartheid lol.

the reason we are critical of israel is because our govts fund it! i think we can speak out against any injustice worldwide but priority would go towards what our govts are doing since we have a major influence over them.

thats great if you acknowledge theres conquering and domination going on, i think cornel west used the word domination too. thats what history is. so lets speak out against it and lets not fund it! thats what bill maher doesnt get right. you dont say this is common throughout history and therefore it somehow makes it okay now.

what israel is doing is against international law.


Well-Known Member
i know how israel arabs are living because its so bad journalists report on it. its described as apartheid lol.

the reason we are critical of israel is because our govts fund it! i think we can speak out against any injustice worldwide but priority would go towards what our govts are doing since we have a major influence over them.

thats great if you acknowledge theres conquering and domination going on, i think cornel west used the word domination too. thats what history is. so lets speak out against it and lets not fund it! thats what bill maher doesnt get right. you dont say this is common throughout history and therefore it somehow makes it okay now.

what israel is doing is against international law.
If the Israelis were practicing apartheid against Israeli Arabs then the Left would be screaming about it 24/7. The only thing I've heard called apartheid is the Israelis putting a fence completely around the country, shutting off access.


Well-Known Member
If the Israelis were practicing apartheid against Israeli Arabs then the Left would be screaming about it 24/7. The only thing I've heard called apartheid is the Israelis putting a fence completely around the country, shutting off access.
The left is screaming about it

turn off the msm

if tourists are having a hard time going in and out of gaza what makes you think palestinians can?
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Gotta Go

Well-Known Member
I wonder if it’s been erased from history that Mohammad was a slave owner?
Google is your friend...
"According to sociologist Rodney Stark, "the fundamental problem facing Muslim theologians with the morality of slavery" is that Muhammad himself engaged in activities such as purchasing, selling, and owning slaves, and that his followers saw him as the perfect example to emulate."


Well-Known Member
Google is your friend...
"According to sociologist Rodney Stark, "the fundamental problem facing Muslim theologians with the morality of slavery" is that Muhammad himself engaged in activities such as purchasing, selling, and owning slaves, and that his followers saw him as the perfect example to emulate."
looks like it has something in common with christianity



Well-Known Member
The left is screaming about it

turn off the msm

if tourists are having a hard time going in and out of gaza what makes you think palestinians can?
Why on God's green Earth would anyone want to go into a zone run by murderous thugs? Like that young man who went to North Korea on a tour and got beat to a pulp, then died, after he committed what would have been laughed out of court here.

You say that Israel and the U.S. have kept a two state solution from happening. Both Arafat and Abbas have had documents put in front of them that they refused to sign. Yasser Arafat said if he signed it, creating two states, he would be a dead man. The thugs who would've killed him then are the ones running the show now. They took all that international aid and built tunnels and bought weapons (and made their leadership super rich). And you've bought into it hook, line, and sinker.


Well-Known Member
19,000 Palestinians have been killed. We know that the majority of them had nothing to do with the Hamas attacks.
A Palestinian pollster just took a survey of residents of Gaza and the West Bank. 72% of respondents approved of what Hamas did October 7th. They have no one else to blame but themselves.


Well-Known Member
They can kill all the people in Gaza they want, but it won't make Israel safer, nor will it stop a new generation of people seeing no alternative but violence.