Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
It's sad that several natives died protecting their land, just as whites died fighting the red coats.
The real argument is if Natives lives are better now than they would have been if Europeans never came? Same can be said for Africans if they were never brought here as slaves?
So we did the African slaves a favor for bringing them to America. Maybe we should be asking for reparations from the black community?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
So we did the African slaves a favor for bringing them to America. Maybe we should be asking for reparations from the black community?

Just look at Africa, it’s a paradise. Lol
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Legio patria nostra
Just remember the Israeli's offered food, water and services to Gaza in exchange for the hostages they took. Hamas said "No thanks". They are pretty close to that option being completely off the table and the promised levelling of Gaza will occur.

Terrorist sympathisers / democrats conveniently forget these facts and cloud the issue with their twisted, made-up versions of history to justify their own hatred for others.


Well-Known Member
They’ve been fighting for 5000+ years over this land and they’ll be fighting for 5000+ more. Unless someone uses nukes and the land becomes glowing.

Nothing any US president does will fix anything.
Civilizations have spent those 5000 years and probably more destroying each other over who's god is the true god and who loves him more.
And here you have two of the world's great religions destroying one another over the same piece of desert and broken down old city both claiming that God gave it to them.
And even if Israel does achieve a military victory Hamas and it's affiliated groups having made it clear that they will not coexist with Israel will simply rebuild using limitless amounts of Arab oil money to buy more weapons from the thriving international arms market and in a few years will be ready to go at it again....and again...and again.


Well-Known Member
Civilizations have spent those 5000 years and probably more destroying each other over who's god is the true god and who loves him more.
And here you have two of the world's great religions destroying one another over the same piece of desert and broken down old city both claiming that God gave it to them.
And even if Israel does achieve a military victory Hamas and it's affiliated groups having made it clear that they will not coexist with Israel will simply rebuild using limitless amounts of Arab oil money to buy more weapons from the thriving international arms market and in a few years will be ready to go at it again....and again...and again.
Afraid you're right but the only alternative would be to roll over and give the terrorist what they want. It would lead to more chaos than we currently have. Imagine if Hamas or any other terror group got their hands on a nuke.