Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Oh I'm sure... and they also ran it by the heads of liberal media. They want it to LOOK like they are doing something without actually doing anything. Kinda like a PT CARWASHER
Whatever man. Completely blinded by your hatred of this president. It’s absurd. Why does everything have to be a battle with you guys?


Well-Known Member
Hamas and other terror groups do not honor our way of political correctness. There is video out there that I won't post of terrorists decapitating children and raping women.
Until the US Federal government takes in more income tax from Israel than they get back in services why should Americans be the world's chumps.
Mercenary wars are big business so when can we sign your sons up?

Brown Circus

Shh...It’s peak and I’m hunting logic
not gonna lie, I thought the "if we don't fight them over there, we'll have to fight them over here" crowd had all been thoroughly humiliated into silence by 20 years of constant foreign policy failure, stupidity, and defeat, but there you are anyways lol
If you’re speaking of us reacting to 9-11 then you bring up my point exactly. I saw the people jumping from those buildings and some people just want to forget them.


Well-Known Member
Whatever man. Completely blinded by your hatred of this president. It’s absurd. Why does everything have to be a battle with you guys?
I'm independent, vote Democrat some years and Republican others. I think both sides are full of crooks that want nothing more than to raise our taxes, but I'm not an ostrich with my head in the sand either.
This particular administration would allow and have let full blown terrorist groups in the country as long as they vote Democrat

Brown Circus

Shh...It’s peak and I’m hunting logic
Hamas made a big mistake.
They attacked civilians , not military targets.
No matter how they try to spin it on social media, it's not going to help them.
{Some social media posts have already been debunked as having been posted before this new conflict began }
Israel will be fighting back to remove Hamas from Gaza.
Israel has in the past gone out their way to avoid civilian deaths and they might continue to do so.
But since Hamas likes to hide behind in civilian locations, many more deaths will happen.
Normally Hamas includes these deaths in their propaganda but it may work against them this time.
Even India has released a statement of condemnation


Well-Known Member
Until the US Federal government takes in more income tax from Israel than they get back in services why should Americans be the world's chumps.
Mercenary wars are big business so when can we sign your sons up?
Kind of agree with you. However Israel is the only country in the ME that is keeping Radical Muslim groups from starting WW3
If Iran gets a nuke, they will absolutely use it on a UN nation and probably the US


Inordinately Right
In the meantime I suspect we will see a couple of positions filled one by one.
Democrats could have done that all along.

But they didn't because the appointments isn't what it's really about for them, they hate the military and they hate America.

They just wanted to use abortion as a wedge issue for votes.