Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


All Trash No Trailer
they have 6 billion dollars that they didn't have before, you're trying to spread misinformation
They don’t have the money, it hasn’t been released. You MAGA lot are the ones with the disinformation 👍


All Trash No Trailer


Well-Known Member
They don’t have the money, it hasn’t been released. You MAGA lot are the ones with the disinformation 👍
We don't even know what or how our own finances are spent... much less Iran's. You must admit it's a Hell of a coincidence at least


Well-Known Member
Last month, the Biden administration agreed to unfreeze $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds in exchange for the freedom of five wrongfully detained American citizens...

Copied from msnbc


Well-Known Member
Last month, the Biden administration agreed to unfreeze $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds in exchange for the freedom of five wrongfully detained American citizens...

Copied from msnbc



Well-Known Member
This article says nothing about not releasing funds. They declined to comment if the funds have been released
Regardless of how Iran has the money, they are sponsoring the attack on Israel.


Inordinately Right
Word salad.
Makes perfect sense actually.

Classic marxists seek to divide people along economic lines, rich vs poor. That never took hold in America because the idea of class mobility is engrained in our culture. Work hard, you can achieve anything.

You far left Democrats are neomarxists. Your ideology has added race/gender/sexuality/religion to the traditional economic status strategy of division. You divide people along an intersectionality hierarchy in order to anger people against the prevailing society and spread your evil ideologies.


Legio patria nostra
It’s so funny how you just flat out to refuse that Biden is your president and the Commander in Chief of this military. So delusional. Put down your Fox News and War Room podcast. It’s embarrassing.
LOL.... Your exalted most beloved leader is a POS...
It's embarassing that you're in love with that incompetent boob.
Sad, pathetic, clueless...


Inordinately Right
Here you go old boy.
Hello my radical leftist friend.

You didn't answer the question at all, you completely deflected to your party's talking points.

I'll ask again.
When can we expect the announcement from the Biden administration that the money will not be released to them?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
LOL.... Your exalted most beloved leader is a POS...
It's embarassing that you're in love with that incompetent boob.
Sad, pathetic, clueless...
I :censored2:ing hate Trump but even I understood the military got his green light when they moved into a different defense posture like this. Your kneejerk contrarian attitude is hilarious.