Send Letterman's 7th ining stretch joke to World Net Daily("The Birthers") Baba and maybe you can start another petition on who the Late Night Host was directing his joke at ....the 14 yr old or the 18 yr old "baby mamma".....I'm sure Hoax would be thrilled.
I don't need a poll on this one squirm artist. The 14 year old was at the yankee game the 18 year old was not. How does it feel to try to take the low ground on this seedy issue?
I think we all already established Letterman's joke was in bad taste...If only the Palin camp gave a sharp response in their defense and been done with it.....But nooooooo.....Now we have the Palin clan conducting an inpromtute week long media blitz, and my BC friends accusing Mr Letterman, who by the way has a stellar clean record, of basically being a pedophile and infusing the word rape for "knocked up"...that is so ir-responsible and in just as bad taste, if not far worse and far more serious than Dave's joke. Who is advising these Alaskans....not to mention allowing Bristol to do a glamourized spread shot in People Magazine with baby in tow

I didn't see where anyone brought pedophillia into the discussion but since you mentioned it. If a movie producer made a movie with a 14 year old girl having sex with an adult then he would be arrested and charged as such. Letterman making the joke probably does actually link him to a form of verbal pedophillia. Certainly he and his staff planned to have him tell a joke that benifited him on a concept of statatory pedophillia. So yes verbal pedophillia could be a legitimate issue here.
You know, I don't normally think stuff like this is news worthy, yet when people throw around the word "rape" and pedophilia incinuations thats where I take the higher ground......lighten up people, can't we take a joke anymore? Or are some just

Mad as hell and can't take it..
