I agree the Palin's should defend their honor......but not make a sideshow out of it...thats all......it's getting habitual with them.
They may be getting an unfair shake by proponents and the media on issue's not pertaining to politics, but how you handle it tells alot if you want to be a serious presidential contender.....
What Letterman really needed was to get a good a_s beating from father palin.
The Fire Dave Letterman Protesters: Lord, Save Me From Your Followers
YouTube - The Fire Dave Letterman Protesters: Lord, Save Me From Your Followers
you don't relate well to average citizens do you?
the last women is technically correct . Dave is a verbal pedophile.
I swear I would never have known about this if you hadn't told me. Good eye! Who's campaign is Letterman working for?
Technically, how is Dave a verbal pedophile?you don't relate well to average citizens do you?
the last women is technically correct . Dave is a verbal pedophile.
Average citizens......lol...and I thought the far left was kooky....Here are some classic quotes...
--Watching, of all things an American Basketball game.....
--He made A-Rod a pervert too.....
--Leno's a class act ...(Haven't they heard his John Edward joke)
--you know what schmuck means in Jewish....lol
--I only watch Fox News....(no duh!!!)
--How dare he, when he has a bastard son and a slut for a wife...
--close the border and clean your house and see the economy come
--Letterman will rape you with his mouth......
Despite days of planning for the rally, numerous RSVP’s, and months of preparing to go after Letterman by the right wing, the Fire Letterman Rally (picture above) didn’t come off as planned.
Letterman promised to get through this apology as quickly as possible so everyone could get to the Fire Dave Rally.....lol
But then they wouldn't be goofy.I'm sure you could find some video of some liberals who say equally goofy things.
Technically, how is Dave a verbal pedophile?
Technically, how is Dave a verbal pedophile?
If you posted a picture of a 14 year old girl having sex with a major league ball player on your web site or tv show you go to jail for pedophilic related charges.
In this case an entertainer made a joke about an act of pedophillia that benifited his show and his career and yet felt no repercussions for it other then the outrage that resulted from those who find such material offensive.
If we agree that children should not be victimized by adults and that pictures of such acts also victimizes the child then why do we think its ok for a comedian to benifit from a joke about a minor getting knocked up is somehow acceptable.
I'm sorry, but technically he didn't do that, so how could he be a verbal pedophile, technically?
If you posted a picture of a 14 year old girl having sex with a major league ball player on your web site or tv show you go to jail for pedophilic related charges.
In this case an entertainer made a joke about an act of pedophillia that benifited his show and his career and yet felt no repercussions for it other then the outrage that resulted from those who find such material offensive.
If we agree that children should not be victimized by adults and that pictures of such acts also victimizes the child then why do we think its ok for a comedian to benifit from a joke about a minor getting knocked up is somehow acceptable.
My point is if your talking technically, he didn't say any of the words that you use to describe what he said, technically. From what he technically said, how can he be a verbal pedophile, technically?
Thats why I figure you have somehow been sheltered from and found you don't really relate to the average person on the streets.
Anyone who makes public jokes about someones daughter getting "knocked up" should get his teeth kicked in.
For some reason we now think a comedian has a license to be act like a scumbag.
Mods....I've been censored from writing Summa"***"Laude but you'all allow language like this.....^
What has UpstateNY done now?
FACT: the average person has a 180 degree difference of opinion than you. The average person knows Dave's intent was not to put CBS, their sponsors and his career in jepoardy by getting a laugh in the form of raping 14 year olds in a pedofilic manner. This is proven by how miniscule the Letterman protester rally was. Besides injecting words like "rape" and "Willow the 14 year old", the transparencey of your argument doesn't hold water what so ever. But I admire your effort in trying to convince us otherwise.....ain't happening.
I would conceed that the average liberal does feel this way. I love it when the extremist liberals try to claim they speak for the majority.
FACT....Bristol, got "knocked up" by some dude.....What , Do we live in Russia now? ....Anybody who tries to censor me from telling the truth, will get their teeth kicked in...
Huh? So now we have to make jokes about 14 year olds getting knocked up by 31 year old baseball players in order to defend our right to the truth? Just what kind of truth are you trying to defend here?
Mods....I've been censored from writing Summa"***"Laude but you'all allow language like this.....^
Don't you believe in the free market tie?.....If a comedian wants to act like a rubber prophylactic, so be it.....he won't be a comedian for long from not selling any tickets....