Part time supervisor dress code


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm interested in piercing my dimples for Christmas but I've been trying to become a supervisor for a few months, so I'm worried. I know that I won't be one for a good while, either through supervisors quitting or me switching my shift, but it's good information to have. Does the current code (last forum is from 10 years ago) allow facial piercings? I know they can have tattoos and even men have gauges, but facial piercings are a little more controversial. I already have my septum done but I can always flip it up. Thanks.
I aint got no idea what your talking about and scared to ask what a septum even is.


Well-Known Member
Lmao what? I have no idea what you're getting at with this one. We have two female supervisors at our hub and one of them is a district safety supe. We have more women package car drivers than supervisors.
What are you talking about exactly? You sound too naive to understand.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
This generation!!
They are brave enough to put extra holes in their faces ,,or worse, their bits n pieces,,, bit if you say something offensive to them, they need a God Dam safe room !!! Ahhhhh


Well-Known Member


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