Part timer cover driver language.


Be aware that if you are a part-time cover driver, and you get in an accident, you cannot drive for a year. And that means that you cannot bid on any jobs within that year period. Money may look good, but the risk is too great to miss out on a full-time job...


Active Member
Be aware that if you are a part-time cover driver, and you get in an accident, you cannot drive for a year. And that means that you cannot bid on any jobs within that year period. Money may look good, but the risk is too great to miss out on a full-time job...

This is not true in our center. I have known 6 TCD's that have been in accidents, all but 1 are still driving as TCDs.


Well-Known Member
This is not true in our center. I have known 6 TCD's that have been in accidents, all but 1 are still driving as TCDs.

You are correct. They are driving as TCDs. If however, a FT spot was available within a year of their accident, they would not qualify for the position.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Just wondering what the norm is out there in different locals as far as ft pkg drivers working thru their vacations.

No longer allowed. There were issues with too many feeder drivers trying to work through their vacations :headache: so the policy is to no longer allow anyone (including part-timers) to do so. I personally don't think package car drivers should be working during their vacation because it takes up a week a junior driver might have wanted to bid for his own vacation and also bumps a junior RTD out of working.

Vacation sell backs are allowed in our supplement and the amount of weeks we want to sell are to be chosen in September on the same form we chose which type of option week we will use.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
In my building if you are on vacation and the center or hub are short you can work all week or a part of it. If the center or hub is fully staffed, no. I agree it is not fair to the employee who may have wanted that week off but couldn't because of seniority.