I'm here to work. Load me up.this makes me laugh all the time, they really are babies about it
Not some stupid V* hole like you that hasn't never driven for any length of time..
How about getting our

I'm here to work. Load me up.this makes me laugh all the time, they really are babies about it
TL: DR This contract is almost exactly what I as a part timer was looking for, a big enough raise to consider the possibility of dropping my other job as well as no reduction in benefits.
Tell me why I should turn my back on that and threaten my future for yours?
I'm a trained PT responder on the night shift, so I work with a lot of twi/night FTers that have PSC for their second shift, and that's typically the area in the building that is there the longest (usually by far). So I've seen the toll it takes on the poor guys working 11-12 hour days every day.Exactly. Come find me in 3 years after you’ve been working 13 hrs a day as a driver and you’ll be telling a different story.
I was captivated all the way up to the part in the title where you said you planned on voting. If more part timers voted, you guys might not be in the predicament you all are in.I know this is going to get me flamed off the boards but please hear me and my situation out.
I have been working part time for the company for almost two years at one of the biggest hubs in the country. Additionally I work another job in the evening and the overlap equals to working 7 days a week which sucks but it's what I need to do to pay the bills and still be able to put a little aside for the future. So this crying about working on Sundays means little to me, I do it right now as it is.
This contract is proposing to give me a $1.50 raise immediately plus the annual progression (which doesn't suck as bad as retail where you are LUCKY to see a .40 raise) and I get to keep my Healthcare plan which is something I have never been able to afford on my own as well as keep my paid holidays and additional benefits that I would never see in (almost) any other business.
You want me to feel sorry for you drivers who were complaining about the crazy amount of hours you worked during peak and even threatened a slow down but now turn around and whine that they are cutting into your hours with the new hybrid drivers, are you for real?!
TL: DR This contract is almost exactly what I as a part timer was looking for, a big enough raise to consider the possibility of dropping my other job as well as no reduction in benefits.
Tell me why I should turn my back on that and threaten my future for yours?
You have that right.I know this is going to get me flamed off the boards but please hear me and my situation out.
I have been working part time for the company for almost two years at one of the biggest hubs in the country. Additionally I work another job in the evening and the overlap equals to working 7 days a week which sucks but it's what I need to do to pay the bills and still be able to put a little aside for the future. So this crying about working on Sundays means little to me, I do it right now as it is.
This contract is proposing to give me a $1.50 raise immediately plus the annual progression (which doesn't suck as bad as retail where you are LUCKY to see a .40 raise) and I get to keep my Healthcare plan which is something I have never been able to afford on my own as well as keep my paid holidays and additional benefits that I would never see in (almost) any other business.
You want me to feel sorry for you drivers who were complaining about the crazy amount of hours you worked during peak and even threatened a slow down but now turn around and whine that they are cutting into your hours with the new hybrid drivers, are you for real?!
TL: DR This contract is almost exactly what I as a part timer was looking for, a big enough raise to consider the possibility of dropping my other job as well as no reduction in benefits.
Tell me why I should turn my back on that and threaten my future for yours?
the AC makes it easier yaYa real easy to sit on your ass all day isn’t it.
simple, give Dunkin Donut gift cards to feeder drivers who are early on their scheduled arrivalsI'm here to work. Load me up.
Not some stupid V* hole like you that hasn't never driven for any length of time..
How about getting ourto the building on time. Figure that out and you will get my respect.
It's not the feeders. It's the under staffed hubs.simple, give Dunkin Donut gift cards to feeder drivers who are early on their scheduled arrivals
on time network fixed in days
It's not the feeders. It's the under staffed hubs.
No catch up raise would be an automatic no for me if I was PT.
I know this is going to get me flamed off the boards but please hear me and my situation out.
I have been working part time for the company for almost two years at one of the biggest hubs in the country. Additionally I work another job in the evening and the overlap equals to working 7 days a week which sucks but it's what I need to do to pay the bills and still be able to put a little aside for the future. So this crying about working on Sundays means little to me, I do it right now as it is.
This contract is proposing to give me a $1.50 raise immediately plus the annual progression (which doesn't suck as bad as retail where you are LUCKY to see a .40 raise) and I get to keep my Healthcare plan which is something I have never been able to afford on my own as well as keep my paid holidays and additional benefits that I would never see in (almost) any other business.
You want me to feel sorry for you drivers who were complaining about the crazy amount of hours you worked during peak and even threatened a slow down but now turn around and whine that they are cutting into your hours with the new hybrid drivers, are you for real?!
TL: DR This contract is almost exactly what I as a part timer was looking for, a big enough raise to consider the possibility of dropping my other job as well as no reduction in benefits.
Tell me why I should turn my back on that and threaten my future for yours?
You won't lose the extra sort dollar if you currently have it.Especially since sort pay is going away. My wage might actually go down with this contract, and it'll take about a year and a half before I pass my current wage back up again.
I’ll leave you with this though
No. A catch up raise for everyone like they had in 2002.How much does a new hire make per hour when retention bonus is figured in?
Take that amount and make it starting rate for all new hires!