I think you would find a very large number of part-timers that like the system the way it is. Most of us aren't planning on staying part-time forever, and we are more than happy to work for cheap now, if it means really high wages after we go full-time.
from my perspective, its more of an investment of time. I would actually take a part-time paycut in the next contract, if it means I will be making even MORE money when I finally go full-time.
just looking at the math;
-spend 7 years making poverty level income as a part-timer,
then 30 years of high income as a full-timer
- or (if we negotiate better pt wages, at the expense of ft wages)
-spend 7 years making just above poverty level as a part-timer,
then 30 years of average income as a full-timer
I'll take some poverty now, if it means success in the future!