Part-Timers Hired after Aug. 1st Pay Raises


Well-Known Member
Thanks iowa boy, thats what I was leaning towards but never could get any 2 alike answers at work. All of this just blows my mind. They told me at Thanksgiving and Christmas that I don't get paid holidays or receive vacation till after 1yr but in Janruary I received 8hrs VAC on my paystub. Confused once again :)

I'm not sure what was agreed to go into effect between vote and expiration, but the language distingushing between those in progresson on Aug 1, 2008 and those hired afterwards is NEW contract language. The reason you are allowed benefits (it wasn't required -- but the new contract FORBIDS it) before one year is that you were in progression on August 1, 2008. Summer temporary hires only happen in certain Supplements (e.g., not mine), and it must not be in yours or you wouldn't be getting benefits. So you should have gotten a raise 2/1/09 and (at least here -- specifying holidays is in the Supplements, and who gets it may be the same) should have gotten Thanksgiving and Christmas (assuming you worked 13 days in the month). On the other hand, under the OLD contract you had to work a year before getting (two weeks) vacation, and I'm not sure if that means you shouldn't get any in '09 or have to schedule it between seniority and peak or...?
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