Paul Ryan


Well-Known Member
Politicizing rape on any level by either side is simply wrong. I do find it sad that some would use rape victims as political footballs as a means to gain sympathy votes for their campaign(s).

Cheryl, my condolences to you and your family for whatever pain and suffering has been inflicted by some heartless predator. While forgetting about it is impossible, hopefully the old adage of "time heals all wounds" holds true and a happy life is still a possibility.


Staff member

A very close member of my family was raped a couple of years ago. It was a horrible experience that can never be erased from her memory or her life.

I hope that nothing like that ever happens to anyone ever again, but if it does happen to someone you love you will come to realize how devastating it is. Nothing funny about it.
I understand the point TOS and Brown Army are making, but I do wonder; from you perspecttive cheryl, should that situation even be dealt with at a naational level It is obviously devestating and obviously elicits strong emotion but those things pose very real politica questions. It doesn't mean a thing to say, "Don't politicize rape (war, terrorism, fiscal cliff, etc) because they are in reality issues of poltitics. I honestly do not know. How do we discuss political issues and keep our humanity in a nation as polarized as the one we live in?