Ya Dad

Gimme me more characters so that I finish this se
Never mind. Corporate probably flipped when they saw what my retro check was gonna be and they've decided to drop my pay back down.

Well that lasted all of one day.


Well-Known Member
I'm two years into my FT progression, but since I finished my air driver progression, won an inside/inside job, then won a Feeder job, I should only have to wait six months from my first day of training in Feeders as per Article 41 Sec 2b of the National Master.

The way the company is seeing it right now is that the top air rate I red circled into my Combo Job doesn't transfer a 2nd time, so they dropped me into the rate Feeder drivers make after 1 year of progression.

What language shows that you should keep your part time air rate when bidding a full time inside?


Well-Known Member
Thats for a part time progression, not a full time.

as a new 22.3 air/inside who completed article 40 progression as a part timer and received yearly raises, will I be red circled at My current rate until my 4 years is up or will I top out at the full time air rate since I completed it already? Management is making me
Drop down to $17 an hour because they claim I’m not a full time air driver, and that I’m a full time combination air driver so the language that talks about red circled air rate doesn’t apply to me...


Well-Known Member
This applies to me. So since I started in March, I should go to top rate in September. However I thought I would be red-circled until then. I brought my air rate with me into combo...

how did you bring your air rate with you into a combo? Did you only complete the part time article 40 progression And were able to bed red circled as inside/inside?