PCM about pokemon GO

Billy Ray

God, help us all.....
I had my first encounter with this on my route today. I was pulled over to the side of the road and walking off a stop. A SUV pulls over and parks across the street. A young woman with two small kids gets out and wanders around the street not paying attention to traffic while all of them had their noses into their phones. Now I have another problem I have to watch out for. Little kids running out in front of cars chasing a ball or something was one thing, now I have to watch out for adults too.

Freakin' idiots, what has the world come to...


Well-Known Member
I can. I saw several groups of "young adults" playing this game yesterday. I guess the rules require that you stand very close to one another and wander aimlessly to and fro with your face glued to your smartphone.

There was one particular group of 4 young men and a young lady, who appeared to be truly embarrassed to be with them. They happened to be standing next to a stop sign when I pulled up. I leaned out and asked them if they were playing Pokemon. They seemed surprised that this "old guy" knew about the game and meekly responded "yes". I then turned to the young lady and said, "You must be so proud", before driving away.

7.5 million downloads in less than a week.
Your a looser. You need to learn the art of minding your business. seriously who says that to people??

I understand you are probably jealous that those young adults are getting laid more than you.


Well-Known Member
Also as to the game. I have a very strong opinion that this is the continuation of psy opps and mental programming by the elite to keep us out of touch with reality. The new generation lacks critical thinking, don't come up with any original thoughts (just like or dislike memes), and is more interested in mind numbing games than actual real social interaction that involves sharing thoughts and debating.

The powers that be have damn near succeeded in taking everybody away from important topics and just keeping them entertained by flashing a shinny light at the ceiling.

Play on my friends!!!!


Well-Known Member
Also as to the game. I have a very strong opinion that this is the continuation of psy opps and mental programming by the elite to keep us out of touch with reality. The new generation lacks critical thinking, don't come up with any original thoughts (just like or dislike memes), and is more interested in mind numbing games than actual real social interaction that involves sharing thoughts and debating.

The powers that be have damn near succeeded in taking everybody away from important topics and just keeping them entertained by flashing a shinny light at the ceiling.

Play on my friends!!!!

Your watching too much conspiracy videos on YouTube


I’m full of it
We just got a message drivers are reporting kids playing this game and walking in the street not paying attention that's crazy.


Also as to the game. I have a very strong opinion that this is the continuation of psy opps and mental programming by the elite to keep us out of touch with reality. The new generation lacks critical thinking, don't come up with any original thoughts (just like or dislike memes), and is more interested in mind numbing games than actual real social interaction that involves sharing thoughts and debating.

The powers that be have damn near succeeded in taking everybody away from important topics and just keeping them entertained by flashing a shinny light at the ceiling.

Play on my friends!!!!


Well-Known Member
Your watching too much conspiracy videos on YouTube
Or maybe I read a lot of DARPA/university research about this from as far back as the 70s, and studies have found for our economy to survive planned obsolence and other psy op tactics were necessary. Marketing and its effect on the brain, especially a simple brain is pretty interesting.

We have a very Importent election coming up, there are race issues going on, yet nobody informs then self and instead is chasing Pokemon.

Some truck drivers are pretty well educated....
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Well-Known Member
Obviously you do not fall into this category.
Coming from the guy who thinks DARPA was the name of that show on mtv with that girl... Ooo wait that was Daria

Go harass some young adults, seems like that's more your Steeze

There is an obvious dumbing down of the USA population. If you can't see it your blind. We invest in jails and systematically make schools not educate as they should.
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Resident Suit
Also as to the game. I have a very strong opinion that this is the continuation of psy opps and mental programming by the elite to keep us out of touch with reality. The new generation lacks critical thinking, don't come up with any original thoughts (just like or dislike memes), and is more interested in mind numbing games than actual real social interaction that involves sharing thoughts and debating.

The powers that be have damn near succeeded in taking everybody away from important topics and just keeping them entertained by flashing a shinny light at the ceiling.

Play on my friends!!!!
Arguing that people lack intelligence and critical thinking skills, while having a paragraph that is a giant run-on sentence. Sorry if I think your view on it is a little crazy.


Well-Known Member
This app is way better than Tinder. Take my lunch break next to a park, drop a lure module on the poke stop there and watch the cute nerds flock. Talk some Pokemon and get some digits.