Peak Mode Is For cowards

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You need to care less about what others do, and focus more on your own actions.

Hope this helps.
If you think I actually give a :censored2: what you cowards and pu$$ies do to yourselves then you are crazy. I don’t care what anyone does as long as it doesn’t affect me negatively. But keep it up. There’s plenty of extra work waiting for you on everyone else’s trucks. Enjoy!

By the way....that funny look we give you runners when you back up to our trucks to “bail us out” isn’t a look of concern or interest. We are laughing inside and also remembering when we were were still gutless and did exactly the same thing.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I like to toss the misloads I found at 18:00 into the runner/gunners truck when they aren’t looking :lol:
I like to wait until they are at peak frustration and in mid rant ask them if they have taken any of their lunch yet. For some reason they REALLY hate that question. But it’s highly likely they’ve clocked out for lunch for the transfer of packages. :panicsmiley:


Gravy route
I like to wait until they are at peak frustration and in mid rant ask them if they have taken any of their lunch yet. For some reason they REALLY hate that question. But it’s highly likely they’ve clocked out for lunch for the transfer of packages. :panicsmiley:
Let's split the stops evenly.

Even though I took a full hour and you have taken no break.

Thanks for running to make my day shorter!

Two Tokes

Give it to me Baby
I have gained 45 pounds since I retired going from a 32" waist to a 38". When I ran out of notches on my belts I had to go out and buy new ones.

It is obvious from your posts that you are an asset to your center and you will be sorely missed when you do finally hang 'em up.

Happy Thanksgiving! Dave.
Good job Fat Boy
UPS thanks you for possibly dying earlier than you should and saving on the pension payout
Once the Company Be Ach Always the Company Be Ach
Happy Turkey Day Be sure and get some extra gravy Fatty

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Let's split the stops evenly.

Even though I took a full hour and you have taken no break.

Thanks for running to make my day shorter!

It’s even more fulfilling when it’s a 9.5 bailout before peak and we literally give them all of what’s left. Then as they are tossing packages on their piss bottles I’ll laugh as I’m thinking about how they were within less than a half mile of several restrooms during their whole route. LOL


Gravy route
It’s even more fulfilling when it’s a 9.5 bailout before peak and we literally give them all of what’s left. Then as they are tossing packages on their piss bottles I’ll laugh as I’m thinking about how they were within less than a half mile of several restrooms during their whole route. LOL

Runner:.. "Why am I taking stops from you? You only have 10 left and I have 30"

Me:..." I file grievances, you don't".


Well-Known Member
I always used peak as pay back for all the BS they put me through all year. I love hitting them while they are down ! The feeling is amazing. Its like finding out your high school bully is in a wheelchair , seeing him on the street , confronting him and pushing him over onto the street.

I knew most of you guys here were bullied in high school. Keyboard warriors now


Gravy route
Peak season mode ended the first year they let drivers go home in November and sent the rest of us out with 12 hr days.

Add to that in recent years purposely understaffing to make more money for the district, division and center managers.

Decades of never rolling stops to rolling hundreds each night shows how much they care about service. After corporate sends out press releases they will not "over-staff" to make stockholders happy.

I guess 50 to 60 hours a week was "over-staffing"