Overpaid Union Thug
Well-Known Member
So, you’re a peak mode kind of guy?I knew most of you guys here were bullied in high school. Keyboard warriors now

So, you’re a peak mode kind of guy?I knew most of you guys here were bullied in high school. Keyboard warriors now
Why do we get paid for 45 hrs each vacation? Nothing about what we do is normal, we signed up for this. 9 to 5 ???? There are a ton of those jobs that pay 10 bucks an hour you can find.
amen union brotherI work at the same pace every day no matter what. I take my break in the morning every day no matter what. I take my lunch between 12:00-2:00 everyday no matter what. I don't care if it's peak or the middle of May, I treat the job the same. The only way I am doing anything special is if it's Christmas Eve and there is a NON AMAZON package that needs serviced. If it's some amazon crap, I ain't killing myself trying to get it delivered, that garbage can wait until the day after Christmas.
ETA? = 21:30
...the runners will be contacting you...
I needed to hear this today
Yet you obviously care about how others work during peak, or you wouldn't have made this thread.I don’t care what anyone does as long as it doesn’t affect me negatively.
Maybe they’ll learn their lesson and slow the friend down.
Yep. The title says it all. If you have a “peak mode” that you go into in order to get the extra volume done in time then you are a coward. Don’t be a coward. Follow the methods. Walk at a brisk pace and your helper should be too. Leave packages in the cargo hold until you get to the next stop. Stay on designated walk paths. Drive the speed limit.
More work doesn’t mean you have to “pick things up a notch.” Unless you are a coward. If it seems like you might roll stops don’t worry about it. Let management worry and send one of their brainwashed cowards (or regular runner and gunners) that thought they were clocking out at 17:30 to bail you out. That’s what work horses are for. Just work safe and let those clowns absorb the extra work. Maybe they’ll learn their lesson and slow the friend down.
I will give credit to UPS for doing the RS1Me: “Oh hey don’t forget this stack of Over 70 RS3 call tags.”
My numbers drop dramatically during peak, especially here in the Northeast when it starts getting dark around 16:30. At which point I work even "safer".
If you think I actually give awhat you cowards and pu$$ies do to yourselves then you are crazy. I don’t care what anyone does as long as it doesn’t affect me negatively. But keep it up. There’s plenty of extra work waiting for you on everyone else’s trucks. Enjoy!
By the way....that funny look we give you runners when you back up to our trucks to “bail us out” isn’t a look of concern or interest. We are laughing inside and also remembering when we were were still gutless and did exactly the same thing.
Peak most certainly means "kicking it up a notch".
Must be a challenge for him to do a #2 anymore...
Meh, it's Thanksgiving. Paid holiday for Mods at BC.It should have gotten deleted hours ago lol
I'm in a bonus center and my route is good for a couple hours a day. You can call me a coward when I'm sitting at home enjoying my family and you're still out trying to avoid dogYep. The title says it all. If you have a “peak mode” that you go into in order to get the extra volume done in time then you are a coward. Don’t be a coward. Follow the methods. Walk at a brisk pace and your helper should be too. Leave packages in the cargo hold until you get to the next stop. Stay on designated walk paths. Drive the speed limit.
More work doesn’t mean you have to “pick things up a notch.” Unless you are a coward. If it seems like you might roll stops don’t worry about it. Let management worry and send one of their brainwashed cowards (or regular runner and gunners) that thought they were clocking out at 17:30 to bail you out. That’s what work horses are for. Just work safe and let those clowns absorb the extra work. Maybe they’ll learn their lesson and slow the friend down.