Peak to regular/fulltime driver in NJ

Well to get back on topic, I was a helper most of the week. Tuesday, all casuals worried because only few hours offered and had to drive personal vehicles to meet up point to be a helper. Supervisor pulled me aside and said I will be gettin my 30 days run after peak and to hang in there with them til peak season ends, Jan 15. I’m hopeful I’m in. A few regulars said may take few days for call back, up to couple weeks. But they got same reassurance during their peak. I kept that convo to myself as well. I’m getting more hours still than most casuals except one who still does a route. He seems a shoe in, started month before me. Guess we will see after January. Thanks for the helpful responses and for the sarcasm/humor as well fellas.

I'm in the same boat as you, hired in july didn't start driving until of September. Was working 1 to 3 days a week until they put me on a route in an industrial park. Haven't heard a word from management since, got told by guys who've been here a while if they aren't saying anything to you your good. But it would still be nice to know if I'm staying or have to find another job even thought when I applied the post didn't say seasonal or temporary.

Spoke to my supervisor the other day and asked him when I'll know if going to be fired he's like "it'll happen when it happens!!" I was like dude I'm living in my car and can't get an apartment until I' know I'm staying, I couldn't go home for Christmas and I can't go home for new years cuz I don't want to waste the money if I'm just going to be fired in a week or 2!! He get's back at me later on after he spoke to our boss he's like " yeah go home and we will call you when we need you if you get what I'm saying." Then he ask "you are coming back right!!" I explain everything I said above again and he's like "yeah we'll be getting people know when we get the list on who we are keeping!!"

So I have no clue what he meant it sound like he was saying I have a job and being kept without really saying it cu why ask if I'm coming back if your not keeping me, why tell me to go home and we'll call when your needed... then be like we'll let everyone know when we get the list!!

I know nobody can get seniority until third week in January but how you get seniority is beyond me since they don't start or work people in the order at which they were hired. They're are people hired 2 months after me that had 30 working days in before November 1, I would have to work the whole month of January to get my 30 in cuz they kept pushing my start date back like 5 times..


Well-Known Member
I work out of parsippanny hub. Told need four or five new hires for regular after peak for my section. Given speech of what you put in, is what you get. district manager started as casual seven years ago now he’s district manager. My supervisor same thing. Casual seven years ago, now supervisor of my hub. Been working six day work weeks. 50 plus hours. Called to see most nights if need anything else, did what can do to show/prove want it. Coworker in truck next to me in the morning, he started May. Laid off October and they called him back within three weeks for full time. Two other drivers got called right after peak, that I spoke to and another one in mount olive branch I met, same thing. So it does happen. Just curious if they were lucky ones/if it’s political and they knew people, or really how it works. I’m told over and over again great job. Thank you thank you etc. just curious on people’s experiences. We have 18 casuals in my sections so obv not all of us will get it, also is there a expiration date for eligibility to be full time or anything. Can we get hired for another section in same hub or just that section, or even Another hub/base altogether. Curious how it works and haven’t found info anywhere Thanks again
Did they say hiring for FT driver or PT air driver ?


Well-Known Member
I would have told you where I worked “upscompletesme” but your other Post shows you don’t Care much for casuals or seem genuine, in regards to casuals and think we are “Annoying.” That is fine. It is what it is. I can only speak for self but I’ve kept to myself the entire time besides small talk with the drivers I’ve work alongside in the morning during peak, and they were aces and helpful. HR said hiring seven of the casuals in the center. There’s 18 or so casuals so i guess I’ll see if I make the cut. Said calls week or two after peak are expected. Time will tell I suppose.


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Well-Known Member
I would have told you where I worked “upscompletesme” but your other Post shows you don’t Care much for casuals or seem genuine, in regards to casuals and think we are “Annoying.” That is fine. It is what it is. I can only speak for self but I’ve kept to myself the entire time besides small talk with the drivers I’ve work alongside in the morning during peak, and they were aces and helpful. HR said hiring seven of the casuals in the center. There’s 18 or so casuals so i guess I’ll see if I make the cut. Said calls week or two after peak are expected. Time will tell I suppose.
I would have told you where I worked “upscompletesme” but your other Post shows you don’t Care much for casuals or seem genuine, in regards to casuals and think we are “Annoying.” That is fine. It is what it is. I can only speak for self but I’ve kept to myself the entire time besides small talk with the drivers I’ve work alongside in the morning during peak, and they were aces and helpful. HR said hiring seven of the casuals in the center. There’s 18 or so casuals so i guess I’ll see if I make the cut. Said calls week or two after peak are expected. Time will tell I suppose.
Hey did they keep you ? What center in Parsippany hub?


Well-Known Member
Today was pulled aside by the center manager Told me she was giving my name to head of HR, already spoke to him about me. Mount Olive building has ten openings and said I did good job and thanks etc. If I did good, wouldn’t they have wanted me there? I called head of HR for both buildings and he said that both the supervisor and the manager had come to him about me and to finding a spot for me. I said just give it to me straight, so I know. He reiterated he is trying to get me in Mount Olive, but has to wait until Feb 1 to see the list (Union list of people who want to be drivers, correct me if wrong, unclear of what the list is). He said that he will try to get me on around then and to keep in contact with him. Also a bunch of Casuals were just told thanks and goodbye, that’s it. Idk where I stand. Any insight would be helpful. Once again. Just weird that I have a chance of getting on in a smaller building than the huge building I was in that had 26 spots open in all three centers..
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Fight the power.
Today was pulled aside by the center manager Told me she was giving my name to head of HR, already spoke to him about me. Mount Olive building has ten openings and said I did good job and thanks etc. If I did good, wouldn’t they have wanted me there? I called Chris and he said that both the supervisor and the manager had come to him about me and to finding a spot for me. He is trying to get me in Mount Olive but has to wait until Feb 1 to see the list (Union list of people who want to be drivers, correct me if wrong, unclear of what the list is). He said that he will try to get me on around then and to keep in contact with him. Also a bunch of Casuals were just told thanks and goodbye that’s it. Idk where I stand. Any insight would be helpful. Once again.
This is a union job a*hole. friend off.


Well-Known Member
This is a union job a*hole. friend off. View attachment 174952
Never once said was I anti union. I support unions and have been apart of unions in the past. Nor have I said anything against unions. I’m trying to get into the union! My coworkers, every single one spoke to, got on same way I’m trying to. If you didn’t like what I wrote, that’s fine buddy, no need to comment, it’s all good. Take care.


Fight the power.
Never once said was I anti union. I support unions and have been apart of unions in the past. Nor have I said anything against unions. I’m trying to get into the union! My coworkers, every single one spoke to, got on same way I’m trying to. If you didn’t like what I wrote, that’s fine buddy, no need to comment, it’s all good. Take care.
People put in 10+ years hard part time work in line waiting to get a full time spot and your taking about Chris the stupidvisor telling you what a great job you did and you don’t have to pay your dues like the rest of the union guys. Well guess what jackoff , people aren’t going to like u. Good luck and I think I love you.


Well-Known Member
Today was pulled aside by the center manager Told me she was giving my name to head of HR, already spoke to him about me. Mount Olive building has ten openings and said I did good job and thanks etc. If I did good, wouldn’t they have wanted me there? I called head of HR for both buildings and he said that both the supervisor and the manager had come to him about me and to finding a spot for me. I said just give it to me straight, so I know. He reiterated he is trying to get me in Mount Olive, but has to wait until Feb 1 to see the list (Union list of people who want to be drivers, correct me if wrong, unclear of what the list is). He said that he will try to get me on around then and to keep in contact with him. Also a bunch of Casuals were just told thanks and goodbye, that’s it. Idk where I stand. Any insight would be helpful. Once again. Just weird that I have a chance of getting on in a smaller building than the huge building I was in that had 26 spots open in all three centers..

In some locals they post a sign up sheet once per year for part timers to put their name on if they want to be drivers. And when UPS hires a driver they refer to that list and offer driver jobs in seniority order. In other places they post the driver job for bid each time they need a driver.

Outside hires are hired on a 6:1 ratio. part timers to outsiders. Some places can't get enough part timers to become drivers and they hire a lot of off the street drivers.

Sounds like HR has more information to gather before they can tell you anything concrete. UPS moves at it's own pace and there's really nothing you can do about it. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Today was pulled aside by the center manager Told me she was giving my name to head of HR, already spoke to him about me. Mount Olive building has ten openings and said I did good job and thanks etc. If I did good, wouldn’t they have wanted me there? I called head of HR for both buildings and he said that both the supervisor and the manager had come to him about me and to finding a spot for me. I said just give it to me straight, so I know. He reiterated he is trying to get me in Mount Olive, but has to wait until Feb 1 to see the list (Union list of people who want to be drivers, correct me if wrong, unclear of what the list is). He said that he will try to get me on around then and to keep in contact with him. Also a bunch of Casuals were just told thanks and goodbye, that’s it. Idk where I stand. Any insight would be helpful. Once again. Just weird that I have a chance of getting on in a smaller building than the huge building I was in that had 26 spots open in all three centers..
What center did you work out of? Did they say they have opening in that center?


I wouldn’t be worried bro. I’d def take the shot at going to MT olive. I also wouldn’t take it as “You didn’t do good enough” a lot of those open spots were filled by guys who came before you and have been waiting.


Active Member
Today was pulled aside by the center manager Told me she was giving my name to head of HR, already spoke to him about me. Mount Olive building has ten openings and said I did good job and thanks etc. If I did good, wouldn’t they have wanted me there? I called head of HR for both buildings and he said that both the supervisor and the manager had come to him about me and to finding a spot for me. I said just give it to me straight, so I know. He reiterated he is trying to get me in Mount Olive, but has to wait until Feb 1 to see the list (Union list of people who want to be drivers, correct me if wrong, unclear of what the list is). He said that he will try to get me on around then and to keep in contact with him. Also a bunch of Casuals were just told thanks and goodbye, that’s it. Idk where I stand. Any insight would be helpful. Once again. Just weird that I have a chance of getting on in a smaller building than the huge building I was in that had 26 spots open in all three centers..

Do you know how many casuals they kept?


Well-Known Member
I do not know many casuals they kept at all. In my center I’m certain they kept three because after Christmas they continued to work “their routes”. Two of them started oct, so had more time than me (I started nov 14)One other started w me. He’s good, young kid. Guy I helped yesterday in wayne center “knows” people. He said a lot of casuals got told “thank you and goodbye pretty much, nothing else.” I Overheard other casuals saying the same. Atleast I was told something different. I guess time will tell. My center had six openings “supposedly” so that’s why made this thread because even if three or four had own routes I’m still getting pushed to another building. Which I will obv take. My commute is same distance and better because will be going to and from work against traffic. If it actually happens. Fingers crossed. Thanks again everyone for the helpful info and comments. I know I’m not the only one in this situation and I’m not “special.”