Pension for all hours worked or A/C?

Pension air conditioning

  • Pension Contribution for All Hours Worked

  • Air Conditioning

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You do understand commercials before the real movie? Distraction brownie points are an employer manipulation tactic. Let the shock n awe go into my bank instead of a future cooled tank.
He has a very good point there.
Could you imagine if we still had to drive the old high steppers with no power steering and the bench seats

I couldn't do this job anymore if I had to drive one of those


Well-Known Member
He has a very good point there.
Could you imagine if we still had to drive the old high steppers with no power steering and the bench seats

I couldn't do this job anymore if I had to drive one of those
That was injury prevention which the company use to be the leader of I believe before Amazon. I question the timing by both sides. They screw their own we all know it. I’d rather have $ in my pocket. Most likely new drivers are hard to attract with less basic amenities. So they got ahead of it.
That was injury prevention which the company use to be the leader of I believe before Amazon. I question the timing by both sides. They screw their own we all know it. I’d rather have $ in my pocket. Most likely new drivers are hard to attract with less basic amenities. So they got ahead of it.
You just got to keep on trucking


Never bought my own handtruck
That was injury prevention which the company use to be the leader of I believe before Amazon. I question the timing by both sides. They screw their own we all know it. I’d rather have $ in my pocket. Most likely new drivers are hard to attract with less basic amenities. So they got ahead of it.
Yeah, but that wasn’t offered as far as we know, so take what you get. The financials are being put on the table soon, then you can complain about AC.


Why are you working hundreds of hours over every year? If the answer is yes maybe working less every year would improve your quality of life right now.
No, we have nothing. Have to find something on the open market. Story for another thread but I wonder how other locals are able to provide affordable healthcare for their retirees, I would like to know where the funding comes from to do so so I can present it to our local.
I retired at 55 have had Teamcare since local had nothing to do with it


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
No, we have nothing. Have to find something on the open market. Story for another thread but I wonder how other locals are able to provide affordable healthcare for their retirees, I would like to know where the funding comes from to do so so I can present it to our local.
Obama care?


Well-Known Member


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