I am not saying that most of our long term management people do not desire a great pension and no cost retiree health benefits till 65, nothing wrong with taking care of your own I guess without any consideration for the grunts who were actually making it happen. During the l997 strike most of the high end managers never delivered a package, in my area it was a few low level on cars and part timers. Granted most of our management team would of been in their 40's and 50's and way out of shape, not worth the liability or the risk to expose them crossing the picket line, it would of been ugly. I stated before that the plan is set up to mostly benefit those decision making executive corporate types who really did not want to share their prosperity or were willing to do anything to maintain their status quo, just study the the history and what is happening in Atlanta now.
Article 34 (master) does state what (Should) be contributed weekly into what the company has to provide for everyone under the Union (Controlled) Pension and Health and Welfare Plans. Is it being done with the UPS Pension Plan for the union part timer or the IBT/UPS Pension plan for the full timers in the Central?
I do not know how the UPS Retirement Plan (001) did during the 2008-2009 recession, I would imagine that it took a hit also, but it had enough flexibility and monetary reserves to weather it out, unlike the struggling Central.