Wall Street doesn't give a rodent's rectum about FXG contractors. They've made their money and moved on. Earlier this week Bernstein threw a couple of jacks under the stock price and tried to move it but it wouldn't budge.And you think Wall Street investors think all of that is a good thing?
If the model is unsustainable it either has to change or be discarded. That is exactly the point and that is what should give investors pause: uncertainty going forward.
Again it comes back to the fact that it's a network and business model that was never designed to do what is being expected of it now. It was designed to serve B to B and support Roadway's LTL network. Look at it now. it's trying to be all things to all people. A setup drowning in duplication in the form of all these different operating units none of which can provide any meaningful support to the other. Not to mention wasting boatloads of oil.
Challenging headwinds? What does that mean? It means that they've taken the current Ground setup as far as they can take it and can see that it's beginning to collapse.....and Wall Street doesn't like what it's seeing.