Photo of the day

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
looks pretty gay to me.

Maverick and Goose disagree with your assessment.

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Retired 23 years
Driving down the interstate with you buddy riding on your rear in a jet looking car is a sign of having "good tastes"?



That’s Craptacular
I had to have a huge cherry tree twice that size cut down last year. It developed a crack in trunk so I had to get rid of it before it fell on the house. The tree guy said it was the biggest cherry tree he had ever seen. Its main trunk was over 30" in diameter. and it was very broadly spreading.
6 trees fell during Sandy...luckily no house damage or flooding. Some people I know lost everything to massive flooding. A friend at the time was 6 months pregnant...her basement flooded to the main level of the house...oil tank leaked so the house reeked with oil fumes...FEMA wanted them to stay there for a week before they'd put them in emergency housing.


nowhere special
6 trees fell during Sandy...luckily no house damage or flooding. Some people I know lost everything to massive flooding.

There was a bad ice storm here on Christmas Eve several years ago and a large limb from a maple tree knocked a hole in my roof. Luckily flooding is never a problem for me.


That’s Craptacular
There was a bad ice storm here on Christmas Eve several years ago and a large limb from a maple tree knocked a hole in my roof. Luckily flooding is never a problem for me.
I live on the north shore...maybe 20 miles from the Altantic...flooding isn't much of an issue in my neighborhood.