Photo of the day


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Out my back door!


golden ticket member
I'm so glad that our national bird is not the turkey....that was considered, but dropped (thank goodness).

This bird looks like power, stealth, strength, etc. all of the qualities of the USA

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Good thing you have big dogs.

My daughter's not so smart exboyfriend used to leave his parrot in a cage on the carport in Florida. One day he decided the bird needed exercise and kept throwing it up in the air, the neighborhood hawk swooped down, grabbed the bird and took off!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
My daughter's not so smart exboyfriend used to leave his parrot in a cage on the carport in Florida. One day he decided the bird needed exercise and kept throwing it up in the air, the neighborhood hawk swooped down, grabbed the bird and took off!
That is sad, but would have been an awesome photo op.


Fugitive From Reality
My daughter's not so smart exboyfriend used to leave his parrot in a cage on the carport in Florida. One day he decided the bird needed exercise and kept throwing it up in the air, the neighborhood hawk swooped down, grabbed the bird and took off!
My supervisor took his parakeet out for some fresh air last summer. It was still in its cage. An owl flew in & attacked & killed it.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Why is it that every father with a daughter thinks their boyfriends are not-so-smart?

I'm not a father. Her ex wasn't so smart because at almost 30 years old he had two DWI's, no license, was working as a telemarketer and spending all his money on clothes and shoes and still depending on Daddy for money. And posting pictures of himself with semiautomatic weapons on Facebook, because even though he came from a good home, he fancied himself a "gangsta". Thank God, SHE finally got smart.

That, plus the fact that anyone who paid attention, knew a hawk hung out by the house on a regular basis.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
All fathers think their son in laws are dumb, until they prove otherwise. He is also EX. He proved dad in law correct. Simple.
No one ever thinks anyone is good enough for their kids, until proven differently. Its standard operating procedure.
All fathers think their son in laws are dumb, until they prove otherwise. He is also EX. He proved dad in law correct. Simple.
No one ever thinks anyone is good enough for their kids, until proven differently. Its standard operating procedure.

It took several years to get on my father in laws good side.