You pointed out that a solar farm being built can supply power to 1500 homes. OK, how many solar farms would it take to address a power shortfall given that fossil fuels are being pushed out? Assuming you do keep natural gas to some extent.
And much smaller nuclear plants have been developed.
The founder of the Weather Channel, a respected climatologist, says climate change is a hoax. Others have too.
You may not have noticed but we recently went through a number of years with cooler temps.
The Weather Channel is a for profit ad revenue dependent media channel that I pay zero attention to. The only forecasts that I pay attention are those from NOAA and the National Weather Service.
Now this AM utilities nationwide are warning the public that the grid is at maximum output and either it reduces demand or rolling blackouts will begin.
The US Forest Service is providing 1 billion in dollars in grants to pay for new tree plantings in an effort to cool down the planet while HUD is providing another 1 billion for cooling centers and to help pay to upgrade buildings so they don't use so damn much power.
And there you sit down there sweating like a hog in record heat and you're telling me that the planet is getting cooler.