Binge Poster
Did you ever ask why they have discontinued the use?It’s been 2 years ... I mean ... we really need that after a day of work ...
Did you ever ask why they have discontinued the use?It’s been 2 years ... I mean ... we really need that after a day of work ...
I see your point.It’s it’s anything like the rest of UPS, then you already know the answer. Management has zero Integrity.
Not good.No. It is directly across from. Their supplies and parts are often left directly in front of my package car.
I feel like I was pretty clear on this.
Are you telling me they don't supply toilet paper either?They have the pink stuff grit .... doesn’t take the crap off your hands
I agree!This is a travesty, I say! We must all work toward the betterment of our facilities, and the saving of humankind through our posts.
I agree!
So PE management does nothing about this?
Are you serious or being sarcastic?
Not good.
Wow!I'll bite. Last few weeks with PE has been terrible. They recently did some major reconstruction at my building, but ran out of budget about 80% through. So, my office that is shared with other sups is only half painted right now. There are new cabinets, shelves, counter tops, and a plethora of other quality of life stuff just sitting in storage right now. Not exactly a great situation.
A couple of months ago one of our belts got a large rip in it. We called PE to see what to do and the fella's response was "Good luck". Thateveryone off. Over the next two days the rip got larger and eventually the belt snapped during the preload, which caused as many problems as you can imagine.
Not exactly a good relationship going on here between our building and PE.
The mechanics should have more tools with them than a hammer, an adjustable wrench, and duct tape.All we had was Old Bob the mechanic and all he had for tools were a hammer, an adjustable wrench and a roll of duct tape. Our center was always one heartbeat away from a total meltdown.
Why were you there? Tell the truth with integrity.My Fellow UPS Workers,
The purpose of this discussion thread is not to gripe or complain about conditions at
UPS, management, the Union or for that matter anything at all about UPS. The sole
purpose of this discussion thread is to discuss the following work-related issue with
other employees as an initial step in engaging in some concerted activity to bring this
issue up to the company as a group.
It is my hope that by addressing this issue in concert we not only be working for our
own mutual aid, protection and improved working conditions, but we will be working for
the benefit of any and all coworkers that may have been adversely affected by this
I was in a smaller facility recently and I saw one of the maintenance guys standing by a couple of beat up old cabinets.
I asked him if he could show me where the maintenance shop was and he stated " your looking at it."
The building was very dirty, dusty and generally unkempt.
I spoke with him for a few minutes while he was working and he spoke of many serious issues within the Plant Engineering dept that many working at UPS probably don't even know exist.
He said many of these issues have to do with general and widespread lack of integrity within the PE department.
Does anyone have any similar experience with Plant Engineering at UPS?
The mechanics should have more tools with them than a hammer, an adjustable wrench, and duct tape.
I was there fulfilling a scheduled task.Why were you there? Tell the truth with integrity.
Next, if we address this "in concert" we will have to back up from the stage because those EV horns make your ears bleed.View attachment 217222
All mechanics, good and not so good, should have more tools than a hammer, an adjustable wrench, and duct tape with them.Not if they're any good.
All mechanics, good and not so good, should have more tools than a hammer, an adjustable wrench, and duct tape with them.
Yes.Can you produce an exhaustive list of all the tools a good, or even an average, mechanic should have?
"Task"?I was there fulfilling a scheduled task.