I'm trying to protect mine and my children's lives at this very moment. We have kids, a mortgage, car payments and horses to take care of. Losing $100k a year is not a small thing. I'm in fight mode right now for ME. The fact that you can't understand why I would be scared to death right now and looking for even the smallest glimmer of hope, says a lot more about you than it does me.
I personally know a driver that has 2 DUI's. He is still working. He got fired for a technical issue with his rehab. Went to panel and was re-instated. I realize this is somewhat different than your case.
Now, not working at UPS isn't the end of the world.
Saying that, about 7.9 BILLION people don't work here.
If local mgt. wanted your husband back....he will be back. I believe. But.......having been here for 40 years......this is very rare. Most of these folks are promoted. And were so far up mgt's arse that they were unrecognizable as a typical employee.
Many, many people choose drugs(spare me) over family, employment and just about anything else. Save the psycho babble about disease......
Time to get an education, training and prepare for your new life out of the driving part of transportation. There are many, many different jobs than UPS. It was one of the best....he threw it away.
I never ever drank before work. I'm a pilot and 8 hours bottle to throttle......always. Never smoked or tried weed. That's the way it should be. Served me well for 41 years.