Well-Known Member
Quick anonymous call to the local PD complaining about the FedEx drivers running the stop sign near the station should get a police presence.
Quick anonymous call to the local PD complaining about the FedEx drivers running the stop sign near the station should get a police presence.
This applies if you are on DRA only. Every apartment complex, commercial building, private home, etc has a profile in DRA. Meaning, you have 'X' minutes to complete each stop and/or building.
Example only: Say you run a 1/2 resi, 1/2 commercial area. One day you might have 50 resi P2 and 20 commercial (70 stops) with RTB time of 1400. The next day you might have 30 resi with 60 commercial P2 (90 stops) with a RTB of 1400. If you calculate SPH, you'll see day 2 is higher. Why? Because your commercial area goes faster. DRA doesn't calculate based on SPH, its based on time and only time.
It is all based on sph. Even without DRA your sph and rtb plan differs from day to day depending on stops. You are just arguing semantics. Number of stops and type of stops= calculated rtb= sph. Just because they may not use that terminology at where you are , they are still essentially focused on sph.This applies if you are on DRA only. Every apartment complex, commercial building, private home, etc has a profile in DRA. Meaning, you have 'X' minutes to complete each stop and/or building.What measurement do you think they use to calculate rtb. You seem to just want to argue semantics.
Example only: Say you run a 1/2 resi, 1/2 commercial area. One day you might have 50 resi P2 and 20 commercial (70 stops) with RTB time of 1400. The next day you might have 30 resi with 60 commercial P2 (90 stops) with a RTB of 1400. If you calculate SPH, you'll see day 2 is higher. Why? Because your commercial area goes faster. DRA doesn't calculate based on SPH, its based on time and only time.
You will always have a SPH number. But, DRA doesn't care about SPH, it only calculates time at each stop.Just to recap, it calculates how many stops you are capable of completing based on what is assigned.. So going along your assumption of a 1400 rtb, if I am assigned the 70 stops on day 1, and I leave at 0800, that leaves me 6 hours to complete it.. The computer says with my 50/20 split, I am capable of doing that. It assumed I could average 11.6 stops each hour to finish on time.. Day 2, with 90, it assumed I could average 15 stops each hour.
Wrong. Past history means nothing with DRA.It got the number based on past history. Past stops. and since it is based on time, and only time, as you said.... It is stops...per....hour... (or minute, or day or whatever unit of time that you want to use).
You will always have a SPH number. But, DRA doesn't care about SPH, it only calculates time at each stop.
Wrong. Past history means nothing with DRA.
OSS has nothing to do with management putting pressure on couriers to increase numbers, that is a directive from upper management. DRA may not be concerned about sph but management sure is.What I say isn't going to make a difference. Ask your OSS guy and you'll understand. If your manager is on you about SP, it means he doesn't understand how DRA works....plain and simple.
It's hardly a handful.
When was the last time you saw an express courier say anything positive on here?
You don't see this level of disgruntled employees posting on the UPS side, its more of a mix.
Here it is 100 percent negative anymore.
Is it any wonder?
Here, a few big mouths think the board is their personal and exclusive domain and instantly circle the wagons if anyone dares not to march in lockstep agreement with them. From that point forward it's nothing but reactionary histrionics, theatrics, and personal attacks.
Do you see a similar cabal of loons and halfwits on the UPS side attempting to monopolize every discussion?
Hey, Dano. Thehits the fan, and BOOM, here you are. Wow, what a freaking coincidence that is. The loons and halfwits mostly hail from Memphis, but you already know that, right?
my safety trumps the contractor's profability... i'll rather drive out of a rental vehicle than in an unsafe stepvan.
luckily, one of the terminals i work out of has a dedicated mechanic that will fix any minor problems on the spot or if it's simple enough (like a non-working light), i'll do it myself
the only DOT-issue i've seen was the entering the on-duty times as previously mentioned in another thread.
Now, come next month, we just heard about the 30 minute break after 8 hours issue. WTF?!? we aren't payed by the hour & HD usually works non-stop until we're done... i do take mini-breaks to use the porta-john, or to switch water bottles from the cooler but it was never regulated.
HD, it's only 30 min. They are doing their own thing, not what's required by the new HOS rules.
Ya, we were informed today at about 2pm that everyone working over 8 is required to take a 1hr lunch. Problem was that this late in the day people already had taken 30's to get everything done on time and in my state you cant take a break within your last hour of work, thus we had people sittin around the station for an hour doing nothing because of the new mandate...fricken brilliant lol.
HD, it's only 30 min. They are doing their own thing, not what's required by the new HOS rules.
HD, it's only 30 min. They are doing their own thing, not what's required by the new HOS rules.
according to Pittsburgh, this rule does not apply to P/D routes within 150 air miles of station. I have been trying for two weeks to get confirmation on this.
I'm glad you enjoy the one-sidedness of the forum and its lack of growth. To some folks, that's boring. To others, it never gets old. The same people can sit around talking the same stuff for years on end and it never gets old. I can't say I'm impressed by that, but I'm definitely amazed. To each his own.