653 viewing right now. Probably 500 management spies!!!!Lack of growth!
I guess you don't pay much attention to the number of viewers of this forum, nor the seemingly constant new posters with anti FedEx user names popping up like pimples on your kiss ass butt...
Lack of growth!
I guess you don't pay much attention to the number of viewers of this forum, nor the seemingly constant new posters with anti FedEx user names popping up like pimples on your kiss ass butt...
I'm talking about the number of active participants. How many are there, about twenty? Thirty? That's about the same number that were here when I signed up FOUR YEARS AGO, LOL!!
Domino drivers back then would be docked pay if they were late.
I haven't heard of any courier get an OLCC or letter for having lates. If it becomes a chronic thing, I can see it happening. I had 2 lates on a Mondayand got a call from my SM. My fault? Yes...both were overlooks. No letter, no OLCC, nothing.
Precisely why you are here lackey-boy. Whenever participation reaches a certain point or a particularly controversial and idiotic policy comes forth from MEM, here you are. And then you try and deflect, defend, and otherwise muddle the topic. You wouldn't be here if Fred and Friends weren't concerned. The fact that you are speaks volumes about increased participation here.
So what new policy did MEM create that I'm defending, you putzhead?
The only reason you're here is because you're so professionally inept that you're reduced to whining all the time and there are a handful of people who will validate your neurotic ramblings. You've been here at least four years. FOUR YEARS of saying the same thing. FOUR YEARS of accomplishing nothing.
The fact that FedEx sends forth a company stooge validates that we have gotten the attention of Memphis...and they don't like it. You have actually been defending a collection of policies and procedures that constitute the "new and improved" Express ever since they began the process. You are a paid apologist, defender of whatever they spew forth, and a lackey. If choosing to remain an hourly and not join the ranks of the living dead in management makes me a loser in your mind, I'm happily "professionally inept". If management is so great, why is the turnover so high Dano?
And "Dano" ignores the fact that many of the threads on here get views into the 1000's of times.
That's thousands of Express courriers gaining valuable information on how to protect themselves against the unethical actions of Fedex.
Hey Dano, it sure seems like there are alot of people googling things like "FedEx sucks" or "FedEx forcing me to falsify DOT records" etc, because every week more and more new players stumble onto this forum.
You and your likes however are the few in number, with near zero defenders or fellow management lackeys signing up to join you in your defense of evil.
Is it because you are just a paid shill, or is it just because you are the only manager left in this company still defending its unethical practices?
Either way it leaves you no soul.
Lackey? You can't get your nose far enough MFE's butt and you have the nerve to call someone a lackey? LOL!!
Unanimity is not a validation of a premise. It's a circle jerk. If it helps you sleep at night, have at it but please don't mistake it for more than what it is. This board is not a microcosm of the company (unless it helps you sleep at night to think otherwise).
As far as your remark about not having a soul, that door swings both ways. Every day that you go to work, you enable the company to do that which you despise and you'll go back to aid and abet again the following day. You'll let the company use you for its benefit and you'll take a check for it. You'll gladly go along because "Ah gots to have a jerb" and so what if you have to compromise your principles, right? Sure, you'll talk all sorts of big talk here but when you punch the clock you'll be a good little worker who keeps his mouth shut because his spine hasn't developed yet. And you'll go back for more even.
Do you stick around the company and help it to do the awful things you keep complaining about here because you believe those are the RIGHT things for the company to do, or is it because you need a job and are willing to compromise your principles and beliefs?
Either way, it leaves you no soul. As the joke goes, you've already established what you are, the only debate is over the price. TTFN!
Lackey? You can't get your nose far enough MFE's butt and you have the nerve to call someone a lackey? LOL!!
Unanimity is not a validation of a premise. It's a circle jerk. If it helps you sleep at night, have at it but please don't mistake it for more than what it is. This board is not a microcosm of the company (unless it helps you sleep at night to think otherwise).
As far as your remark about not having a soul, that door swings both ways. Every day that you go to work, you enable the company to do that which you despise and you'll go back to aid and abet again the following day. You'll let the company use you for its benefit and you'll take a check for it. You'll gladly go along because "Ah gots to have a jerb" and so what if you have to compromise your principles, right? Sure, you'll talk all sorts of big talk here but when you punch the clock you'll be a good little worker who keeps his mouth shut because his spine hasn't developed yet. And you'll go back for more even.
Do you stick around the company and help it to do the awful things you keep complaining about here because you believe those are the RIGHT things for the company to do, or is it because you need a job and are willing to compromise your principles and beliefs?
Either way, it leaves you no soul. As the joke goes, you've already established what you are, the only debate is over the price. TTFN!
Not sure if you're referring to the corporate side of the company but I can tell you, this board most certainly represents the sentiments of the hourly/courier. Just because one or two station meetings are held and no one utters any thing negative only means those hourly folks know whoever makes the leadership feel uneasy by direct questioning, especially questioning which paints management into a corner, will only get them a " I want to see you after the meeting is over" from the senior manager. So the hourlies sit there and say nothing. Don't mistake the lack of participation as a sign things are wonderful in the eyes of the ones who do the heavy lifting for the company because they're not...................... This board is not a microcosm of the company..............
according to Pittsburgh, this rule does not apply to P/D routes within 150 air miles of station. I have been trying for two weeks to get confirmation on this.