Police Brutality & Executions


Well-Known Member
Then where do you work?

I don't. Live in my mom's basement and collect welfare. I figure if you dumb suckers will just blindly fork over your hard earned money to any idiot with a badge of authority and/or a power complex, I might as well twist the system and steal the money away from them and live the good life for myself. My hard labor entails walking to the mailbox once a month while the rest of you idiots keep feeding the monster. I'm not living as a one percenter by any stretch but I'm just working as hard as they do milking you like a vampire does a virgin girl when he drains her dry!

I would say thanks but I honestly think you enjoy the pain because you defend it at all cost and always go back for more so what's there to thank for!


Well-Known Member
Interesting story from AP on the dashcam video.

Seth Stoughton, a former police officer and criminal law professor at the University of South Carolina, said the dash cam video shows nothing that would indicate that such a routine traffic stop would escalate to a fatal shooting.

"It's not entirely normal. Most people don't run during traffic stops. But it is not overly threatening or anything that should take an officer aback," Stoughton said.

The mostly black neighborhood where the shooting took place is far from unique, said Melvin Tucker, a former FBI agent and police chief in four southern cities who often testifies in police misconduct cases.

Nationwide, training that pushes pre-emptive action, military experience that creates a warzone mindset, and legal system favoring police in misconduct cases all lead to scenarios where officers see the people they serve as enemies, he said.

"It's not just training. It's not just unreasonable fear. It's not just the warrior mentality. It's not just court decisions that almost encourage the use of it. It is not just race," Tucker said. "It is all of that."

Police cruiser video shows moments before fatal shooting


Well-Known Member
The young man who shot the cellphone video is certainly taking full advantage of his 15 minutes of fame. He actually said that God put him (and his cellphone) there for a reason.

The family has filed a civil suit against the police department.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Reminder to self. Get the tail light fixed next week when I get home from vacation.

Ironically, its wasnt a TAIL LIGHT that was out. It was the rear light in the rear window that was out. It isnt ILLEGAL for that light to be out. Its not even an infraction for that light to be out. The third light is only an AID to braking. There are literally millions of cars on the road without THIRD brake lights in the rear window.

Again, giving more pause as to the reason this man was stopped because of his race.

This white cop saw an opportunity to harass a black man in pulling him over. IN the dash cam, you can see both TAIL LIGHTS operating just fine, but this cop just had to make this one happen.

Some White cops just look for trouble.

You have a black man in a mercedes, he's not driving eratic, he's not breaking any driving laws and his third tail light out isnt a violation. So why stop him?

There was NO reasonable cause for this stop other than this white cop needed to fill his day with something.

He got his wish as the driver stumbles in the conversation and then decides to run for WHATEVER reason. The passenger in the car, stayed in the car and was no threat, the driver was no threat and on foot.

At NO point was this officers life in danger, and at NO point was there a need for lethal force.

Could this have been prevented by the driver simply staying put? Of course, but then again, this could have been prevented if the officer simply followed his training and proceedures.

Shoulda. Woulda, Coulda, on both men, but the difference here is, the officer made the WORST of the decisions between the two men.

He shot an unarmed man, he shot a man who posed zero threat to him, he placed a taser at the body after shooting him and he pulled over this man for no legitimate reason other than suspicion that "something" else was wrong.

These kinds of incidents happen everyday in every state, but rarely do they end in a homocide.

This officer deserves to be charged, tried and convicted for his actions.

I am willing to bet that if he is released on bond before his trial, he will simply use his second amendment rights and kill himself, rather than sit in a prison with men who will beat him to death at some point in his incarceration.

If he does, I'll feel better about his decision making.



Well-Known Troll
So TOS , you are an expert on the Motor Vehicle Laws in every state ?
I think not .

He isn't an expert on ANYTHING, but he thinks he is.

A high mounted break light (commonly called the 3rd brake light) is most definitely park of the cars light system, and if the vehicle is equipped with it, than it must be in good working order. I didn't read the rest of his novel, but I'm sure it was something like "this cop just wanted to kill a black guy", "he didn't run because of a child support arrears", "Supernword and friendsall hate black people"......Did I leave anything out?


Well-Known Member
A "light out" is not a moving violation.
It is an equipment violation.......so what's the big deal.

I got pulled over on my bike for a taillight issue. No ticket. Cop just said "fix it".
Did he really wanna see who I was and what I was doing at that time of night? Probably but I didn't run away and get shot.

Most good cops use something known as "discretion".


Inordinately Right
That's certainly your right, just let us know how that works out for you.
It's worked out well for me so far.
I once had a cop ask me if I would mind stepping out of the vehicle so he could search it. Clever wording, but still a request.
I politely told him no I was in kind of a hurry. Of course he took close to half an hour writing the ticket, but I wasn't in a hurry anyways.


Well-Known Troll
Only an idiot would believe anything I post

Show me a law in that state where the third brake light is mandatory and infractionable.


You're quick to challenge people to provide proof of our points, whereas I have SEVERAL TIMES in different threadsto post proof of your claims, and you never can (since they're bs).

YOU are the one saying it's not illegal, so YOU have to prove that it is not. You're like defense attorney who makes RIDICULOUS accusations and then asks the prosecution to prove that it's NOT true. That isn't how this works. You made a claim, now back it up with facts, precedents, or ANY kind of proof, we'll wait.

I was pulled over once and the cop was "fishing", since it was 230 AM. He pulled me over for a tag light being out, to try to catch me drinking and driving (which I wasn't). A cop can pull you over for nearly anything he feels like, and you'd be wise to pull over (regardless of skin color) to avoid a pummeling.


Well-Known Troll
It's worked out well for me so far.
I once had a cop ask me if I would mind stepping out of the vehicle so he could search it. Clever wording, but still a request.
I politely told him no I was in kind of a hurry. Of course he took close to half an hour writing the ticket, but I wasn't in a hurry anyways.

That's fine, but if a cop TELLS you to do something (stay in the car, get on the curb, or step out of the car), you'd be pretty dumb if you chose not to comply.

Maybe my next job will be a cop....hmmm


Inordinately Right
I've said multiple times though, if you get pulled over, comply with the officers orders (they may ASK you to do something, but it is in fact, a lawful order).
That's fine, but if a cop TELLS you to do something (stay in the car, get on the curb, or step out of the car), you'd be pretty dumb if you chose not to comply.

Maybe my next job will be a cop....hmmm
So when they ask, it is in fact a lawful order. Unless it's not, in which case it's fine to say no. But if it is, you're dumb not to comply.
Ya..... you'd make a great cop.