Reminder to self. Get the tail light fixed next week when I get home from vacation.
Ironically, its wasnt a TAIL LIGHT that was out. It was the rear light in the rear window that was out. It isnt ILLEGAL for that light to be out. Its not even an infraction for that light to be out. The third light is only an AID to braking. There are literally millions of cars on the road without THIRD brake lights in the rear window.
Again, giving more pause as to the reason this man was stopped because of his race.
This white cop saw an opportunity to harass a black man in pulling him over. IN the dash cam, you can see both TAIL LIGHTS operating just fine, but this cop just had to make this one happen.
Some White cops just look for trouble.
You have a black man in a mercedes, he's not driving eratic, he's not breaking any driving laws and his third tail light out isnt a violation. So why stop him?
There was NO reasonable cause for this stop other than this white cop needed to fill his day with something.
He got his wish as the driver stumbles in the conversation and then decides to run for WHATEVER reason. The passenger in the car, stayed in the car and was no threat, the driver was no threat and on foot.
At NO point was this officers life in danger, and at NO point was there a need for lethal force.
Could this have been prevented by the driver simply staying put? Of course, but then again, this could have been prevented if the officer simply followed his training and proceedures.
Shoulda. Woulda, Coulda, on both men, but the difference here is, the officer made the WORST of the decisions between the two men.
He shot an unarmed man, he shot a man who posed zero threat to him, he placed a taser at the body after shooting him and he pulled over this man for no legitimate reason other than suspicion that "something" else was wrong.
These kinds of incidents happen everyday in every state, but rarely do they end in a homocide.
This officer deserves to be charged, tried and convicted for his actions.
I am willing to bet that if he is released on bond before his trial, he will simply use his second amendment rights and kill himself, rather than sit in a prison with men who will beat him to death at some point in his incarceration.
If he does, I'll feel better about his decision making.