Police Brutality & Executions


Strength through joy
Now the talking heads are demanding that the police undergo more detailed training .
I would like to know when the talking heads will demand that the thugs also undergo the same training ?


Well-Known Member
Now the talking heads are demanding that the police undergo more detailed training .
I would like to know when the talking heads will demand that the thugs also undergo the same training ?

I think the deeper question is, what are the police for and to what ends were they intended to serve. My post (the 2nd one in this thread) on the History of Police speaks to that point in part #1.


Well-Known Member
Then why is only the officer under fire and not the SGT on scene for not stopping things when they went too far?

The cop or cops are fall guys. The real culprit is the system itself. It requires compliance officers to act as goons in order to enforce the monopoly status of the current system model.

My avatar speaks directly to the point.


Well-Known Troll
The cop or cops are fall guys. The real culprit is the system itself. It requires compliance officers to act as goons in order to enforce the monopoly status of the current system model.

My avatar speaks directly to the point.

Are you sure that the real culprit isn't the criminals? Just curious


Well-Known Troll
Limbaugh was selling a "headlock" vs. a chokehold today on his program, which is BS. I'm surprised the Right Wing Machine let Beck go off the reservation on this one.

Either way, the chokehold takwdown is not illegal or against police procedures, so what difference, in the end does it make. If he had put his hands behind his back we wouldn't be hearing about this crap


Well-Known Member
Are you sure that the real culprit isn't the criminals? Just curious

I would totally agree that it's a most nefarious gang of criminals who in fact are running the system and using it to abuse the rest of us.

Hope that resolves your curiousness.


Well-Known Member
Limbaugh was selling a "headlock" vs. a chokehold today on his program, which is BS. I'm surprised the Right Wing Machine let Beck go off the reservation on this one.

Not going to be a popular response with you but I'm not sold on Beck ever being on that reservation to begin with. I think Beck is about Beck and he'll go on or off the reservation as it suits his needs.


Well-Known Member
Here in NM, there have been several police brutality's administered by cops, even enough to have the Department of Justice investigate.
All they did was suggest new ways to train officers and make the lapel camera mandatory.
I marched in a protest when a homeless man was shot to death in the hills just because he was mentally disabled...there were a lot of people at first then they spread out as the protest went east across the city and through a traffic lane or two
it's happening everywhere, and what people are forgetting is that an aggravated individual is suspect, so don't panic or do anything stupid around a cop and you may end up living through their little games.
I'm not saying that all police are good or all police are bad, we just need more James Gordons' on the force, lol
gotham reference


Well-Known Troll
The truth is funny?

What "truth" did you hear in all of his pissed off shreiking?

I also find it funny that he berates the police for why they attack innocent civilians, and that doesn't make them tough, where it's really criminals and young kids that he should be presenting that to.

Unless people riot whenever a black kid kills another black kid, then your "movements" hashtag crap of blacklivesmatter is proven to be wrong. Unless they only matter when a white person kills them


Well-Known Member
What "truth" did you hear in all of his :censored2: off shreiking?

I also find it funny that he berates the police for why they attack innocent civilians, and that doesn't make them tough, where it's really criminals and young kids that he should be presenting that to.
Many of which have badges and guns.


Retired 23 years
So what does this all lead to? Law enforcement who can't do anything except suggest that people behave? Yes there are bad cops. I don't know what the solution is but making them deal 'softly" with people who have a rap sheet a mile long and aren't doing what they are told isn't the answer. I know if I was told to stop or put my hands up or quit resisting I would do it (no I wouldn't like it but my parents didn't raise no fool) . Just watching some of these idiots put up a fight makes a person wonder how a cop puts up with it day after day.